A Brief History of Tensilica

A Brief History of Tensilica
by Daniel Nenni on 09-08-2012 at 7:00 pm

In the late 1990s, a change was going on in chip design. Companies had moved to system-on-chip design, which incorporated a general-purpose control processor plus blocks of logic (often called RTL) to do the hard tasks that the general-purpose processor couldn’t handle.

These blocks of logic were becoming a huge problem because… Read More

A Brief History of SoCs

A Brief History of SoCs
by Daniel Nenni on 08-19-2012 at 10:00 am

Interesting to note; our cell phones today have more computing power than NASA had for the first landing on the moon. The insides of these mobile devices that we can’t live without are not like personal computers or even laptops with a traditional CPU (central processing unit) and a dozen other support chips. The brain, heart, and… Read More

I/O Bandwidth with Tensilica Cores

I/O Bandwidth with Tensilica Cores
by Paul McLellan on 08-17-2012 at 3:00 pm

It is obviously a truism that somewhere in an SoC there is something limiting a further increase in performance. One area where this is especially noticeable is when a Tensilica core is used to create a highly optimized processor for some purpose. The core performance may be boosted by a factor of 10 or even as much as 100. Once the core… Read More

Tensilica Joins Wi-Fi Alliance

Tensilica Joins Wi-Fi Alliance
by Paul McLellan on 07-30-2012 at 7:00 am

The Wi-Fi Alliance is an industry consortium dedicated to driving adoption of the various Wi-Fi standards which also go under the rather less catchy name of IEEE 802.11x (where the x varies depending on the generation of the standard, right now a, b, g or n). They also certify devices for interoperability.

Wi-Fi Alliance says that… Read More

Tensilica: We are #2 so we try harder

Tensilica: We are #2 so we try harder
by Paul McLellan on 06-20-2012 at 1:00 pm

The Linley group is the go-to source for information about the microprocessor market. If you go back to their roots in Michael Slater’s Microprocessor Report then they have been in the business for 25 years. We haven’t had microprocessors for that much longer. They just tagged Tensilica as being second in shipments… Read More

Audio, not your father’s MP3

Audio, not your father’s MP3
by Paul McLellan on 04-24-2012 at 9:26 pm

Chris Rowen, Tensilica’s CTO, presented in Santa Cruz at the Globalpress briefing. He was basically presenting Tensilica’s audio strategy, which I’ve written about before. But he provided an interesting perspective. Globalpress (which flies journalists in from all over the world and then fills the few… Read More

Linley Tech Mobile Conference

Linley Tech Mobile Conference
by Paul McLellan on 04-18-2012 at 2:14 pm

I went to part of the Linley Tech Mobile Conference. This is the current incarnation of what started life as Michael Slater’s Microprocessor Report, and the twice-yearly Microprocessor Forum. These very technical analysis organizations seem to work well when they are a small group of analysts working together to cover… Read More

LTE-Advanced Handsets for 4G

LTE-Advanced Handsets for 4G
by Paul McLellan on 02-21-2012 at 7:00 am

Due to a lot of somewhat aggressive marketing by carriers, you might think that 4G wireless is already here. After all, wasn’t 3G ages ago? But in fact true 4G handsets won’t really be available until 2015/6. But to make that schedule, first silicon needs to be available late this year or early next, to allow one or two … Read More

Not your father’s Tensilica

Not your father’s Tensilica
by Paul McLellan on 11-14-2011 at 5:27 pm

Tensilica has been around for quite a long time. Their key technology is a system for generating a custom processor, the idea being to better match the requirement of the processor for performance, power and area as compared with a fully-general purpose control processor (such as one of the ARM processors). Of course generating… Read More