SoC Application Usecase Capture For System Architecture Exploration

SoC Application Usecase Capture For System Architecture Exploration
by Sondrel on 04-19-2022 at 6:00 am

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Sondrel is the trusted partner of choice for handling every stage of an IC’s creation. Its award-winning define and design ASIC consulting capability is fully complemented by its turnkey services to transform designs into tested, volume-packaged silicon chips. This single point of contact for the entire supply chain… Read More

CEO Interview: Deepak Shankar of Mirabilis Design

CEO Interview: Deepak Shankar of Mirabilis Design
by Daniel Nenni on 06-11-2021 at 6:00 am

Deepak Shankar Mirabilis

The founder of Mirabilis Design, Mr. Shankar has over two decades of experience in management and marketing of system level design tools. Prior to establishing Mirabilis Design, he held the reins as Vice President, Business Development at MemCall, a fabless semiconductor company and SpinCircuit, a joint venture of industry… Read More

ESL Expertise when You Need It. Spinning Up Faster

ESL Expertise when You Need It. Spinning Up Faster
by Bernard Murphy on 12-30-2020 at 6:00 am

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System-level expertise, once the domain a few architecture specialists, is now shouldering its way everywhere into chip design and verification. In virtual modeling together with OS and application software certainly. That now couples into mixed-level system-verification, using different levels of abstraction for different… Read More

Does IDE Stand for Integrated Design Environment?

Does IDE Stand for Integrated Design Environment?
by Daniel Nenni on 12-21-2020 at 6:00 am

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As regular readers may know, every few months I check in with Cristian Amitroaie, CEO of AMIQ EDA, to see what’s new with the company and their products. In our posts so far this year we’ve focused on verification, and now I’m wondering how an integrated development environment (IDE) provides benefits to designers. They work on huge… Read More

SystemC Methodology for Virtual Prototype at DVCon USA

SystemC Methodology for Virtual Prototype at DVCon USA
by Daniel Payne on 07-13-2020 at 10:00 am

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DVCon was the first EDA conference in our industry impacted by the pandemic and travel restrictions in March of this year, and the organizers did a superb job of adjusting the schedule. I was able to review a DVCon tutorial called “Defining a SystemC Methodology for your Company“, given by Swaminathan Ramachandran… Read More

DVCon Is a Must Attend Event for Design and Verification Engineers

DVCon Is a Must Attend Event for Design and Verification Engineers
by Daniel Payne on 02-03-2020 at 10:00 am

dvcon 2020

Learning is a never-ending process for design and verification engineers, so outside of reading SemiWiki you likely want to attend at least a few events per year to keep updated, learn something new, attend a workshop, or even present something that has made your IC project work much better than before. Sure, DAC is always a great… Read More

Update on SystemC for High-Level Synthesis

Update on SystemC for High-Level Synthesis
by Tom Dillinger on 03-26-2019 at 12:00 am

The scope of current system designs continues to present challenges to verification and implementation engineering teams. The algorithmic complexity of image/voice processing applications needs a high-level language description for efficient representation. The development and testing of embedded firmware routines… Read More


by Daniel Nenni on 02-04-2019 at 7:00 am

The semiconductor conference season has started out strong and the premier verification gathering is coming up at the end of this month. SemiWiki bloggers, myself included, will be at the conference covering verification so you don’t have to. Verification is consuming more and more of the design cycle so I expect this event to … Read More

Virtual Prototyping With Connection to Assembly

Virtual Prototyping With Connection to Assembly
by Bernard Murphy on 08-31-2017 at 7:00 am

Virtual prototyping has become popular both as a way to accelerate software development and to establish a contract between system/software development teams and hardware development and verification. System companies with their tight vertical integration lean naturally to executable contracts to streamline communication… Read More

Mentor gets Busy at DVCon

Mentor gets Busy at DVCon
by Bernard Murphy on 02-20-2017 at 12:00 pm

You’d expect Mentor to be covering a lot of bases at DVCon and you wouldn’t be wrong. They’re hosting tutorials, a lunch, papers, posters, there’s a panel and of course they’ll be on the exhibit floor. I’ll start with an important tutorial that you really should attend, Monday morning, on creating Portable Stimulus Models… Read More