Seeing is Believing, the Benefits of Delta’s Low-Resolution Vision Chip

Seeing is Believing, the Benefits of Delta’s Low-Resolution Vision Chip
by Mike Gianfagna on 06-22-2020 at 6:00 am

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Presto Engineering recently held a webinar discussing vision chip technology – what a vision chip is, what are the applications and how can you optimize its use.  Samer Ismail, a design engineer at Presto Engineering with deep domain expertise in vision chip technology was the presenter.  Samer takes you on a very informative … Read More

Reducing Your ASIC Production Risk!

Reducing Your ASIC Production Risk!
by Daniel Nenni on 03-23-2020 at 10:00 am

Delta Managing the ASIC Supply Chain

Managing the ASIC manufacturing is one of the biggest challenges of chip projects.

Building an ASIC supply chain requires specific expertise. Throughout the process you’ll be confronted with hundreds of decisions that will require specific knowledge in order to be addressed correctly, avoid costly mistakes and lose time. … Read More

Outsourced Operations: Reduced Risk, Fast Ramp, and Managed Complexity

Outsourced Operations: Reduced Risk, Fast Ramp, and Managed Complexity
by Daniel Nenni on 11-29-2017 at 7:00 am

One of the more interesting semiconductor success stories is Apple and how they transformed from a struggling computer company to a dominant chip maker. We covered this story in quite a bit of detail in our book “Mobile Unleashed” in Chapter 7 “From Cupertino” but the short answer to how they did it is: Outsourced Operations.

Apple’s… Read More

Presto Engineering – Outsourced Secure Provisioning – Even Their Secrets Have Secrets

Presto Engineering – Outsourced Secure Provisioning – Even Their Secrets Have Secrets
by Mitch Heins on 10-05-2017 at 12:00 pm

When I first heard about Presto Engineering I was enamored by a statement on their web site that claimed that one of their secured solutions included, “The ability to incorporate your secrets without knowing them”. If Mr. Spock would have been in the room his eyebrow would have certainly raised. Indeed, what does that statement … Read More

CEO Interview: Michel Villemain of Presto Engineering, Inc.

CEO Interview: Michel Villemain of Presto Engineering, Inc.
by Daniel Nenni on 09-04-2017 at 7:00 am

One of the many advantages of being part of SemiWiki is the interesting people we get to meet. As I have mentioned before, the semiconductor industry is home to many brilliant and successful people and Dr. Michel Villemain is certainly one of them. Michel is the founder and CEO of Presto Engineering and it is interesting to note that… Read More

Is an ASIC Right for Your Next IoT Product?

Is an ASIC Right for Your Next IoT Product?
by Daniel Nenni on 08-07-2017 at 7:00 am

According to a recent study by ARM, more than one trillion IoT devices will be built between 2017 and 2035. Based on research for an upcoming book on IoT devices and looking at SemiWiki IoT analytics I find that number to be reasonable, in fact, easily attainable. Even more interesting, the market for IoT devices and related services… Read More