Enabling a New Semiconductor Revolution!

Enabling a New Semiconductor Revolution!
by Daniel Nenni on 10-09-2017 at 7:00 am

According to semiconductor trade statistics, 2017 will be the strongest market since 2010 easily recording double digit gains causing the SOX Semiconductor Index to outpace NASDAQ and the other indexes. The question Wall Street people have now is: How much longer will semiconductors be an attractive investment? That question… Read More

GlobalFoundries 7nm and EUV Update!

GlobalFoundries 7nm and EUV Update!
by Daniel Nenni on 06-13-2017 at 7:00 am

Scott Jones and I had the opportunity to talk again with Gary Patton, GlobalFoundries CTO and SVP of R&D for a quick update on 7nm and EUV. Gary has been at GF for two years now with more than 500 other technologists from the IBM semiconductor acquisition. 7nm is the first IBM based process from GF (14nm was licensed from Samsung),… Read More

AMD Zen and the Art of Microprocessor Maintenance

AMD Zen and the Art of Microprocessor Maintenance
by Don Dingee on 08-31-2016 at 4:00 pm

AMD is a fantastic company with highly talented people, but for some reason just hasn’t managed to put a winning streak of microprocessor architectures back-to-back. It’s frustrating to watch: they ride like mad to catch up to or even pull slightly ahead of Intel, then fall back in the pack when they have to make an extended pit stop,… Read More