Is Arteris Poised to Enable Next Generation System Design?

Is Arteris Poised to Enable Next Generation System Design?
by Mike Gianfagna on 02-26-2025 at 10:00 am

Is Arteris Poised to Enable Next Generation System Design?

The semiconductor ecosystem is changing. Monolithic design is becoming multi-die design. Processors no longer inform software development options. It’s now the other way around with complex AI software informing the design of purpose-built hardware. And all that special-purpose hardware needs drivers to make it come to … Read More

Arteris is Solving SoC Integration Challenges

Arteris is Solving SoC Integration Challenges
by Mike Gianfagna on 06-06-2024 at 6:00 am

Arteris is Solving SoC Integration Challenges

The difficulty of SoC integration is clearly getting more demanding. Driven by process node density, multi-chip integration and seemingly never-ending demands for more performance at lower power, the hurdles continue to increase. When you consider these challenges in the context of Arteris, it’s natural to think about hardware… Read More

Can you really meet your SoC design schedule without a good GUI?

Can you really meet your SoC design schedule without a good GUI?
by Daniel Nenni on 08-31-2020 at 10:00 am

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Talk to the members of a digital design team and you will always find two types of users. One who likes using the GUI while working on his design and the other who is passionate about using scripts and the command line options. This is akin to the two camps of users who either love either good old Vi/Vim or the ever versatile Emacs editor.… Read More

CEO Interview: Isabelle Geday of Magillem

CEO Interview: Isabelle Geday of Magillem
by Daniel Nenni on 08-14-2020 at 6:00 am

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Isabelle Geday is the Founder and CEO of Magillem Design Services, headquartered in Paris, France. Isabelle has over 40 years of experience creating innovative platform solutions, in various industries such as oil, telecommunications, IT and EDA. She has a proven track record in managing startup companies internationally,… Read More

A SoC Design Flow With IP-XACT

A SoC Design Flow With IP-XACT
by Ranjit Adhikary on 07-27-2020 at 10:00 am

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Taping out a SoC is never easy. The physical dimensions of the chip often belie the work which has been done to get to the tapeout stage. And it is still not a done deal as the hardware and software development teams await the arrival of the test chip from the foundry to complete the post silicon bring-up and validation. The pressure on… Read More

The Growing Relevance of IP-XACT in Today’s Complex Designs

The Growing Relevance of IP-XACT in Today’s Complex Designs
by Ranjit Adhikary on 05-27-2020 at 10:00 am

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The life of a SoC designer is an unenviable one. Not only does he have to work in a landscape where competition is intense but he also has to collaborate effectively with globally dispersed teams to ensure the design meets the project timeline.  Then there are also the risks, more so in the current pandemic! There is the constant fear… Read More

IP-XACT helps you produce exactly what you need in SoC deliverables

IP-XACT helps you produce exactly what you need in SoC deliverables
by Tom Simon on 10-24-2019 at 10:00 am

If you have ever watched an experienced glass blower, your first thought is that they make it look so easy. I have had the opportunity to blow glass, and I can tell you that it is a constant struggle against temperature, time and muscles to get the glass to do anything like what you want. This is akin to what is required to take the elements… Read More

Dynamic Spectrum Allocation to Help Crowded IoT Airwaves

Dynamic Spectrum Allocation to Help Crowded IoT Airwaves
by Tom Simon on 06-26-2019 at 10:00 am

Radio frequency bandwidth has become a precious commodity, with communications companies paying top dollar for prized pieces of the spectrum. However, many radio bands are not often used efficiently. Many existing radio protocols exchange data on a fixed pair of frequencies, tying up those frequencies for other users. When… Read More

Magillem offers a practical UPF power flow

Magillem offers a practical UPF power flow
by Tom Simon on 05-28-2019 at 10:00 am

We already know that IP-Xact is extremely useful for managing IP and SOC design specifications, yet it may come as a surprise to learn that it also can be used to form the basis of a power flow too. There are design tools that read UPF to help implement and verify designs, however it can be extremely useful to understand the interplay … Read More

IP-XACT The Answer for IP Reuse

IP-XACT The Answer for IP Reuse
by Tom Simon on 04-09-2019 at 7:00 am

To a lawyer, the term intellectual property means just about anything intangible that has value. However, when you bring that term up in the context of semiconductor design, it means something pretty specific to most people. Yet the implied meaning of the term intellectual property (IP) within the semiconductor field has changed… Read More