No! TSMC does not Make 90% of Advanced Silicon

No! TSMC does not Make 90% of Advanced Silicon
by Scotten Jones on 03-11-2024 at 2:00 pm


Throughout the debate on fab incentives and the Chips Act I keep seeing comments like; TSMC makes >90% of all advanced silicon, or sometimes Taiwan make >90% of all advanced silicon. This kind of ill-defined and grossly inaccurate statement drives me crazy. I just saw someone make that same claim in the SemiWiki forums and… Read More

LithoVision – Economics in the 3D Era

LithoVision – Economics in the 3D Era
by Scotten Jones on 03-04-2020 at 6:00 am


Each year on the Sunday before the SPIE Advanced Lithography Conference, Nikon holds their LithoVision event. This year I had the privilege of being invited to speak for the third consecutive year, unfortunately, the event had to be canceled due to concerns over the COVID-19 virus but by the time the event was canceled I had already… Read More

LithoVision 2019 – Semiconductor Technology Trends and their impact on Lithography

LithoVision 2019 – Semiconductor Technology Trends and their impact on Lithography
by Scotten Jones on 03-01-2019 at 12:00 pm

I was asked to present at Nikon’s LithoVision event again this year. LithoVision is held the day before the SPIE Advanced Lithography Conference also in San Jose. The following is a write up of my talk.… Read More

Cleaning Trends for Advanced Nodes

Cleaning Trends for Advanced Nodes
by Scotten Jones on 04-09-2018 at 12:00 pm

I was invited to give a talk at the Business of Cleans Conference held by Linx Consulting in Boston on April 9th. I am not a cleans expert but rather was invited more to give an overview talk on process technology trends and the impact on cleans. In this write up I will discuss my presentation. I discussed each of the three main leading-edge… Read More

SPIE Advanced Lithography 2018 – EUV Status

SPIE Advanced Lithography 2018 – EUV Status
by Scotten Jones on 03-05-2018 at 7:00 am

This year the Advanced Lithography Conference felt very different to me than the last couple of years. I think it was Chris Mack who proclaimed it the year of Stochastics. EUV has dominated the conference for the last several years but in the past the conversation has been mostly centered on the systems, system power and uptime.

I … Read More

LithoVision 2018 The Evolving Semiconductor Technology Landscape and What it Means for Lithography

LithoVision 2018 The Evolving Semiconductor Technology Landscape and What it Means for Lithography
by Scotten Jones on 02-25-2018 at 5:00 pm

I was invited to present at Nikon’s LithoVision event held the day before the SPIE Advanced Lithography Conference in San Jose. The following is a write up of the talk I gave. In this talk I discuss the three main segments in the semiconductor industry, NAND, DRAM and Logic and how technology transitions will affect lithography.… Read More