Why IoT Security is a Market for Lemons

Why IoT Security is a Market for Lemons
by John Moor on 01-25-2016 at 4:00 pm

Concerns around the security of connected devices are continuing to rise. This is illustrated by July’s issue of The Economist where there are two articles on this theme outlining the perils of connected devices in the home, and more generally amongst the Internet of Things.

In “Home, Hacked Home: The perils of connected… Read More

The Smartphone is Dead! Long Live the Smartphone!

The Smartphone is Dead! Long Live the Smartphone!
by Roger C. Lanctot on 01-24-2016 at 10:00 am

According to a study released on the eve of CES by Accenture “heightened data security concerns, falling demand for smartphones and tablet PCs, and stagnant growth in the Internet of Things (IoT) market” are combining to stymie consumer electronics industry growth. While slow uptake of new products is normal, data security concerns… Read More

The Best Analyst Presentation at SEMI ISS 2016!

The Best Analyst Presentation at SEMI ISS 2016!
by Daniel Nenni on 01-22-2016 at 5:00 pm

The problem I have with semiconductor analysts and media today is that they rarely have depth in what they are talking about. Some because they have never actually worked in the industry and others because they have not worked in the industry since the 1970s. One famed analyst even repeated the mythical “Fabs cost $10B” generalization… Read More

How to Secure the Internet of Things (IoT)?

How to Secure the Internet of Things (IoT)?
by Ahmed Banafa on 01-19-2016 at 12:00 pm

The Internet of Things (IoT) as a concept is fascinating and exciting, but the key to gaining real business value from it, is effective communication between all elements of the architecture so you can deploy applications faster, process and analyze data at lightning speeds, and make decisions as soon as you can.

IoT architecture… Read More

Internet of Things 2015 Year End Review (3): IoT Opportunities and Risks Insights from Patents

Internet of Things 2015 Year End Review (3): IoT Opportunities and Risks Insights from Patents
by Alex G. Lee on 01-18-2016 at 12:00 pm

New IoT Product/Service Development
Even though the IoT is getting a huge attention recently the concept of interconnected billions of devices is not new and has been under development for over 10 years. Thus, there are a large number of related patented technologies that can be exploited for developing new products/services,… Read More

How Artificial Intelligence Will Kickstart the Internet of Things

How Artificial Intelligence Will Kickstart the Internet of Things
by Ahmed Banafa on 01-15-2016 at 4:00 pm

The possibilities that IoT brings to the table are endless. IoT continues its run as one of the most popular technology buzzwords of the year, and now the new phase of IoT is pushing everyone to ask hard questions about the data collected by all devices and sensors of IoT.… Read More

IoT Collateral Damage – it’s not if, but when

IoT Collateral Damage – it’s not if, but when
by Bill Montgomery on 01-14-2016 at 4:00 pm

Business history is littered with once-successful companies that couldn’t see the market tsunami that was coming their way until it was too late to do anything but stand up and be walloped by a wave of change that obliterated their businesses.
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Privacy – the Other Face of Security

Privacy – the Other Face of Security
by Bernard Murphy on 01-13-2016 at 7:00 am

Security gets a lot of tech press, privacy not so much. A lot of the problem is that while we each know intuitively what we mean by privacy, pinning down an actionable definition is surprisingly tricky, especially when we require that it not intrude in other ways on our rights. Privacy rights are not absolute (you don’t have … Read More

What’s Eating Silicon Valley

What’s Eating Silicon Valley
by Andrew Yang on 01-12-2016 at 4:00 pm

Like most people, I look up to and admire the heroes of Silicon Valley (the real ones, not the ones from the TV show). They’ve given rise to services (e.g., Google, Facebook, Uber, LinkedIn, Airbnb) that we use every day and make the world a better place. They’ve created value, wealth, and opportunity at unprecedented historic levels.… Read More

NIGHTWATCH Smart Halter: A Great Example of ARM’s IoT Ecosystem Innovation And Diversity

NIGHTWATCH Smart Halter: A Great Example of ARM’s IoT Ecosystem Innovation And Diversity
by Patrick Moorhead on 01-12-2016 at 7:00 am

We’ve all seen examples over the past few years of complex IoT technology solutions to help solve real-world problems from a variety of small companies. In fact, last year while I was at the ARM Holdings annual industry analyst conference and TechCon, a gathering of the ARM ecosystem powers, you could find hundreds, if not thousands… Read More