Webinar: Breaking Down Barriers to Startup Innovation with Ansys and AWS

Webinar: Breaking Down Barriers to Startup Innovation with Ansys and AWS
by Admin on 03-18-2024 at 2:15 pm

Combining Ansys Gateway powered by AWS, Ansys, and AWS startup programs, companies can take advantage of more computing when they need it without substantial upfront investments with the pay-as-you-go flexibility that the cloud provides. Sign up for this webinar today.

APRIL 30, 2024
11 AM EDT / 5 PM CEST / 8:30 PM IST


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ARM Turns up the Heat in Infrastructure

ARM Turns up the Heat in Infrastructure
by Bernard Murphy on 10-18-2018 at 7:00 am

I don’t know if it was just me but I left TechCon 2017 feeling, well, uninspired. Not that they didn’t put on a good show with lots of announcements, but it felt workman-like. From anyone else it would have been a great show, but this is TechCon. I expect to leave with my mind blown in some manner and it wasn’t. I wondered if the SoftBank … Read More

ARM Security Update for the IoT

ARM Security Update for the IoT
by Bernard Murphy on 10-31-2017 at 7:00 am

Despite all the enthusiastic discussion about security in the IoT and a healthy market in providers of solutions for the same, it is difficult to believe that we are doing more than falling further behind an accelerating problem. Simon Segars echoed this in his keynote speech at ARM TechCon this year. The issue may not be so much in… Read More

An IIot Gateway to the Cloud

An IIot Gateway to the Cloud
by Bernard Murphy on 10-10-2017 at 7:00 am

A piece of learning we all seem to have gained from practical considerations of IoT infrastructure is that no, it doesn’t make sense to ship all the data from an IoT edge device to the cloud and let the cloud do all the computational heavy lifting. On the face of it that idea seemed good – all those edge devices could be super cheap (silicon… Read More

Power Management Beyond the Edge

Power Management Beyond the Edge
by Bernard Murphy on 01-25-2017 at 7:00 am

Power in IoT edge devices gets a lot of press around how to make devices last for years on a single battery charge, significantly through “dark silicon” – turning on only briefly to perform some measurement and shoot off a wireless transmission before turning off again. But we tend to forget that the infrastructure to support… Read More

FPGAs for a few thousand devices more

FPGAs for a few thousand devices more
by Don Dingee on 10-24-2016 at 4:00 pm

An incredibly pervasive trend at last year’s ARM TechCon was the IoT, and I expect this year to bring even more of the same, but with a twist. Where last year was mostly focused on ultra-low power edge devices and the mbed ecosystem, this year is likely to show a better balance of ideas across all three IoT tiers. I also expect a slew of … Read More

Vector DSP IP charts course for IoT/M2M

Vector DSP IP charts course for IoT/M2M
by Don Dingee on 11-18-2015 at 4:00 pm

For some time, we’ve been talking about ideas for IoT-specific chips, evolved from garden-variety MCUs or mobile SoCs. I sat in on a fascinating talk from an MCU vendor at ARM TechCon 2015 regarding multi-protocol radio silicon, and a question kept coming from the audience: what about software-defined modems? The vague response… Read More

IoT chipsets and enterprise emulation tools

IoT chipsets and enterprise emulation tools
by Don Dingee on 10-16-2015 at 12:00 pm

When most people talk about the IoT, it is usually all about wearables-this and low-power-that – because everyone is chasing the next huge consumer post-mobile device market. Mobile devices have provided the model. The smartphone is the on-ramp to the IoT for most consumers, with Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and LTE, and maybe a dozen or … Read More

An AMS and RF IC Design Flow

An AMS and RF IC Design Flow
by Daniel Payne on 04-30-2014 at 1:24 am

The big three in EDA are well-know for offering AMS and RF IC design flows, but today you also have alternative EDA vendors available that have capable tools, yet are lessor known. This blog will present an overview of the AMS and RF IC design flowoffered by Silvaco, an EDA company with a strong history in TCAD tools like Utmost IV for… Read More