Using EM/IR Analysis for Efinix FPGAs

Using EM/IR Analysis for Efinix FPGAs
by Daniel Payne on 05-30-2022 at 10:00 am

XLR min

I’ve been following the EM/IR (Electro-Migration, IR is current and resistance) analysis market for many years now, and recently attended a presentation from Steven Chin, Sr. Director IC Engineering of Efinix, at the User2User event organized by Siemens EDA. The Tuesday presentation was in the morning at the Marriott… Read More

Benefits of a 2D Network On Chip for FPGAs

Benefits of a 2D Network On Chip for FPGAs
by Tom Simon on 04-12-2022 at 10:00 am

Achronix FPGA 2D NoC

The reason people love FPGAs for networking and communications applications is because they offer state of the art high speed interfaces and impressive parallel processing power. The problem is that typically a lot of the FPGA fabric resources are used simply to move the data on or off and across the chip. Achronix has cleverly … Read More

Integrated 2D NoC vs a Soft Implemented 2D NoC

Integrated 2D NoC vs a Soft Implemented 2D NoC
by Kalar Rajendiran on 02-24-2022 at 10:00 am

Routing of cnv2d design using Speedster7t 2D NoC

We are living in the age of big data and the future is going to be even more data centric. Today’s major market drivers all have one thing in common: efficient management of data. Whether it is 5G, hyperscale computing, artificial intelligence, autonomous vehicles, or IoT, there is data creation, processing, transmission, and … Read More

CEO Interview: John Mortensen of Comcores

CEO Interview: John Mortensen of Comcores
by Daniel Nenni on 02-18-2022 at 6:00 am


John Mortensen is the CEO & CCO of Comcores. He has been with Comcores since 2019, and has been leading the commercial function since 2020 and was appointed CEO in early 2021. John is focused on creating the best possible customer experience when you do business with Comcores. An experience where you, as a customer, sense how … Read More

Unlocking the Future with Robotic Precision and Human Creativity

Unlocking the Future with Robotic Precision and Human Creativity
by Mike Gianfagna on 01-18-2022 at 6:00 am

Unlocking the Future with Robotic Precision and Human Creativity

From the perspective of all time for recorded human history, the last 300 years (a blink on that time scale) has seen incredible, life-changing and world-changing advances. Water and steam-driven machines first showed up in the 1700s. This is often called Industry 1.0. Powered assembly lines in the late 1800s became Industry … Read More

From Now to 2025 – Changes in Store for Hardware-Assisted Verification

From Now to 2025 – Changes in Store for Hardware-Assisted Verification
by Daniel Nenni on 01-12-2022 at 6:00 am

Jean Marie Brunet

Lauro Rizzatti recently interviewed Jean-Marie Brunet, vice president of product management and product engineering in the Scalable Verification Solution division at Siemens EDA, about why hardware-assisted verification is a must have for today’s semiconductor designs. A condensed version of their discussion is below.… Read More

2D NoC Based FPGAs Valuable for SmartNIC Implementation

2D NoC Based FPGAs Valuable for SmartNIC Implementation
by Tom Simon on 12-29-2021 at 6:00 am

2D NoC SmartNIC

Smart network interface cards (SmartNICs) have proven themselves valuable in improving network efficiency. According to Scott Schweitzer, senior product manager at Achronix, it has been shown that SmartNICs can relieve up to – and perhaps beyond – 30% of the host processor’s loading. SmartNICs started out taking… Read More

A Next-Generation Prototyping System for ASIC and Pre-Silicon Software Development

A Next-Generation Prototyping System for ASIC and Pre-Silicon Software Development
by Kalar Rajendiran on 12-05-2021 at 6:00 am

Corigine Prototyping Systems

Every now and then, disruptive technology is brought to market, challenging the way things have been done to that point. We are all familiar with many such technologies. The rhetorical question is, how many of us were aware, recognized and acknowledged those technologies before they became well established? For example, a startup… Read More

PCIe Gen5 Interface Demo Running on a Speedster7t FPGA

PCIe Gen5 Interface Demo Running on a Speedster7t FPGA
by Kalar Rajendiran on 11-24-2021 at 10:00 am

PCIe Gen5 Interface Demo Board

The major market drivers of today all have one thing in common and that is the efficient management of data. Whether it is 5G, hyperscale computing, artificial intelligence, autonomous vehicles or IoT, there is data creation, processing, transmission and storage. All of these aspects of data management need to happen very fast.… Read More

A Flexible and Efficient Edge-AI Solution Using InferX X1 and InferX SDK

A Flexible and Efficient Edge-AI Solution Using InferX X1 and InferX SDK
by Kalar Rajendiran on 11-18-2021 at 6:00 am

15 Transformer vs Traditional CNN 2

The Linley Group held its Fall Processor Conference 2021 last week. There were several informative talks from various companies updating the audience on the latest research and development work happening in the industry. The presentations were categorized as per their focus, under eight different sessions. The sessions topics… Read More