Podcast EP264: How Sigasi is Helping to Advance Semiconductor Design with Dieter Therssen

Podcast EP264: How Sigasi is Helping to Advance Semiconductor Design with Dieter Therssen
by Daniel Nenni on 12-06-2024 at 10:00 am

Dan is joined by Dieter Therssen, CEO of Sigasi. Deiter started his career as a hardware design engineer, using IMEC’s visionary tools and design methodologies in the early days of silicon integration. Today, being CEO of Sigasi, a fast-growing, creative technology company is a perfect fit for Dieter. Having worked in that space… Read More

Webinar: Optimizing QoR for FPGA Design

Webinar: Optimizing QoR for FPGA Design
by Bernard Murphy on 10-22-2017 at 12:00 pm

You might wonder why, in FPGA design, you would go beyond simply using the design tools provided by the FPGA vendor (e.g. Xilinx, Intel/Altera and Microsemi). After all, they know their hardware platform better than anyone else, and they’re pretty good at design software too. But there’s one thing none of these providers want to… Read More

Up front phases improve CDC analysis

Up front phases improve CDC analysis
by Don Dingee on 09-19-2016 at 4:00 pm

Many tools find clock domain crossings (CDCs) in FPGA designs. Some don’t find the right ones since they don’t comprehend things like in-house synchronizer constructs. Some find too many based on misunderstanding intent, inaccurate constraints, and other factors that lead to noise.… Read More

VHDL parameterized PWM controller

VHDL parameterized PWM controller
by Claudio Avi Chami on 09-18-2016 at 7:00 am

Digital outputs can either go ON or OFF. Analog signals, on the other side, can smoothly assume multiple values in a range. There is a technique that emulates analog behavior with a digital output. That technique is PWM, namely, Pulse Width Modulation. It can be implemented as pulses with varying ‘high’ and ‘low’Read More

Keeping your design files organized

Keeping your design files organized
by Claudio Avi Chami on 09-07-2016 at 7:00 am

Men marry women wishing they will never change, but they do.Women marry men wishing they will be able to change them, but they don’t.

When I was young, even during my University studies, I was a real disaster in anything related to order. My room was always a mess. Whenever my mother or any other would try to change my ways (even
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Pseudo random generator tutorial in VHDL (Part 3/3)

Pseudo random generator tutorial in VHDL (Part 3/3)
by Claudio Avi Chami on 09-04-2016 at 4:00 pm

On the first two chapters of this Tutorial we started with a simple LFSR module and added a test bench. Then, on chapters three and four we upgraded our module with some features and learned to export the test bench data to files.
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Blue Pearl adds RTL project transparency at #53DAC

Blue Pearl adds RTL project transparency at #53DAC
by Don Dingee on 06-03-2016 at 4:00 pm

You’re an RTL pro. You know what’s inside your code, and how many bugs you’ve tracked down and exterminated along the development path, and how much work remains. So, why did the meeting notice that just popped up asking for a monthly management project review presentation ruin your day?… Read More