Advancements in Nanoscale Manufacturing

Advancements in Nanoscale Manufacturing
by Paul McLellan on 04-10-2014 at 1:40 pm

I’m at the GSA Silicon Summit today, at the computer history museum. The first panel session this morning was about future process technology. It was moderated by Joe Sawicki of Mentor with a panel consisting of Rob Aitken from ARM, Paul Farrar of G450C, Peter Huang of TSMC, John Kibarian of PDF Solutions and someone from Applied… Read More

Triple Patterning

Triple Patterning
by Paul McLellan on 03-19-2014 at 1:00 pm

As you can’t have failed to notice by now, 28nm is the last process node that does not require double patterning. At 20nm and below, at least some layers require double patterning. The tightest spacing is typically not the transistors but the local interconnect and, sometimes, metal 1.

In the litho world they call double patterning… Read More

GSA Silicon Summit Is On April 10th

GSA Silicon Summit Is On April 10th
by Paul McLellan on 03-17-2014 at 1:01 pm

The annual GSA Silicon Summit is coming up in a few weeks. It is on April 10th at the Computer History Museum. Registration is at 9am and the meeting itself gets started at 9.45am. The summit finishes at 2.15pm. There are three sections during the day, and lunch is provided.

The first section is on Advancements in Nanoscale ManufacturingRead More

GlobalFoundries Fab 8: Jobs

GlobalFoundries Fab 8: Jobs
by Paul McLellan on 02-28-2014 at 4:26 pm

GlobalFoundries was created by spinning out the manufacturing side of AMD’s semiconductor business. Initially the company was jointly owned by AMD and by the Advanced Technology Investment Company (ATIC) which is an investment arm of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. A couple of years ago ATIC bought out the remaining share from… Read More

Getting an MPW Quote on My iPhone

Getting an MPW Quote on My iPhone
by Paul McLellan on 02-25-2014 at 12:00 pm

As I blogged about recently, eSilicon have completely automated the quote process for their MPW shuttle service. You can use an online interface that runs in the browser but there is also an app that you can download from the App Store.

So I decided I had a few million dollars to burn and I’d get myself my very own TSMC 20nm parts.… Read More

Quoting Automatically the eSilicon Way

Quoting Automatically the eSilicon Way
by Paul McLellan on 02-13-2014 at 2:31 pm

Every ASIC company has a major challenge: they have to work out what it is going to cost to build the customer’s product and commit to deliver it at that price. Too high and you lose the business. Too low and you will wish you’d lost the business. Historically this has been done largely manually. This is an expensive process.… Read More

The Great Wall of TSMC

The Great Wall of TSMC
by Paul McLellan on 02-03-2014 at 5:27 pm

TSMC doesn’t just sell wafers, it sells trust. It’s the Colgate Ring of Confidence for fabless customers. This focus on trust started at the very beginning when Morris Chang founded TSMC over 25 years ago, and still today trust remains an essential part of their business.

When TSMC started, the big thing it brought … Read More

Wanna Build a Bitcoin Miner: GlobalFoundries Will Manufacture it For You

Wanna Build a Bitcoin Miner: GlobalFoundries Will Manufacture it For You
by Paul McLellan on 01-30-2014 at 11:00 am

You may know a bit about Bitcoin, the digital currency. One part of the system is “mining” new bitcoins, analogous to mining new gold when we were on the gold standard, creating “money” out of thin air but at a cost of doing the actual mining.

Here is an interesting aside. When I lived in France the father of… Read More

Dan Niles: Strong Developed Markets, Weak Emerging

Dan Niles: Strong Developed Markets, Weak Emerging
by Paul McLellan on 01-22-2014 at 2:15 pm

Yesterday was Dan Niles’s economic review that he presents quarterly for GSA. As always he starts from big macroeconomic picture and ends up looking at the implications for semiconductor end-markets and thus the implication for semiconductors in general and the fabless ecosystem in particular.

The big picture is that… Read More

ESD at TSMC: IP Providers Will Need to Use Mentor to Check

ESD at TSMC: IP Providers Will Need to Use Mentor to Check
by Paul McLellan on 01-22-2014 at 1:24 pm

I met with Tom Quan of TSMC and Michael Beuler-Garcia of Mentor last week. Weirdly, Mentor’s newish buildings are the old Avant! buildings where I worked for a few weeks after selling Compass Design Automation to them. Odd sort of déja vu. Historically, TSMC has operated with EDA companies in a fairly structured way: TSMC … Read More