Avery Levels Up, Starting with CXL

Avery Levels Up, Starting with CXL
by Bernard Murphy on 05-25-2021 at 6:00 am

QEMU block diagram min

Let me acknowledge up front that Avery isn’t the most visible EDA company around. If you know of them, you probably know their X-propagation simulator. Widely respected and used, satisfying a specialized need. They have also been quietly building over the years a stable of VIPs and happy customers, with a special focus on VIPs for… Read More

ISO 26262: My IP Supplier Checks the Boxes, So That’s Covered, Right?

ISO 26262: My IP Supplier Checks the Boxes, So That’s Covered, Right?
by Bernard Murphy on 05-24-2018 at 7:00 am

Everyone up and down the electronics supply chain is jumping on the ISO 26262 bandwagon and naturally they all want to show that whatever they sell is compliant or ready for compliance. We probably all know the basics here – a product certification from one of the assessment organizations, a designated safety manager and a few other… Read More

Conflating ISO 26262 and DO-254

Conflating ISO 26262 and DO-254
by Bernard Murphy on 01-30-2018 at 7:00 am

If you’re in the ASIC business, by now you should have a rough understanding of ISO 26262, the safety standard for automotive electronics. You may be less familiar with DO-254 which has somewhat similar intent for airborne electronics. Unless, that is, you design with FPGAs in which case your familiarity may be the other way around… Read More

Webinar: ISO 26262 and DO-254: Achieving Compliance to Both

Webinar: ISO 26262 and DO-254: Achieving Compliance to Both
by Bernard Murphy on 01-11-2018 at 7:00 am

It’s near-impossible to read anything today about electronic design for cars without running into the ISO 26262 standard. If you design airborne electronic hardware, you’re likely very familiar with the DO-254 standard. But what do you do if you want to design a product to serve both markets? It looks like aircraft makers are increasingly… Read More

The DIY Syndrome

The DIY Syndrome
by Bernard Murphy on 11-09-2017 at 7:00 am

When facing a new design objective, we check off all the established tools and flows we know we are going to need. For everything else, we default to an expectation that we will paper over the gaps with scripting, documentation and spreadsheets. And why not? When we don’t know what we will have to deal with, in documentation, scheduling,… Read More

Updated tool cuts through DO-254 V&V chaos

Updated tool cuts through DO-254 V&V chaos
by Don Dingee on 02-03-2016 at 4:00 pm

Audits. The mere mention of the word keeps project managers up at night and sends most designers running. However, in the case of FPGA designs seeking DO-254 compliance, the product doesn’t ship until the audit is complete – there is no avoiding it, or skating around it.… Read More