Webinar: Chip-Level Electromagnetic Crosstalk Signoff Using EMX Solver

Webinar: Chip-Level Electromagnetic Crosstalk Signoff Using EMX Solver
by Admin on 06-21-2024 at 2:55 pm


Today’s wireless and high-speed chip designs integrate an incredible amount of functionality on very small silicon real estate. Such integration requires optimization from the early stages of the design to post-layout vs. schematic (LVS) signoff. Increasingly complex designs and advanced process nodes test… Read More

Webinar: Accelerate time to success using smart methods for DFT chip architecture and validation

Webinar: Accelerate time to success using smart methods for DFT chip architecture and validation
by Admin on 04-22-2024 at 1:26 pm

Combining market-leading design-for-test (DFT) technologies with best-in-class netlist synthesis allows you to achieve DFT success more quickly. Many customers, including those for emulation and IC test, have challenges with scaling architectures. This webinar describes how Siemens emulation and silicon test solutions

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At Last, Package and Chip integration for RF Design

At Last, Package and Chip integration for RF Design
by Tom Simon on 01-21-2019 at 7:00 am

It seems that it has always been that there were packages and ICs, and in the design tool world “never the twain shall meet”. The tools for designing packages were completely separate from the tools used to design IC’s. This was so profoundly true that even after Cadence merged with Valid Logic back in the early 90’s, their Allegro … Read More

Making AI Silicon Smart with PVT Monitoring

Making AI Silicon Smart with PVT Monitoring
by Tom Simon on 11-26-2018 at 7:00 am

PVT – depending on what field you are in those three letters may mean totally different things. In my undergraduate field of study, chemistry, PVT meant Pressure, Volume & Temperature. Many of you probably remember PV=nRT, the dreaded ideal gas law. However, anybody working in semiconductors knows that PVT stands … Read More

Power Noise Sign-off at #53DAC

Power Noise Sign-off at #53DAC
by Daniel Payne on 05-29-2016 at 7:00 am

When I hear the company name of ANSYS the first EDA tool category that comes to mind is power noise sign-off. Going to DAC is a great way to find out what’s new with EDA, IP and foundries. There are three places that you can find ANSYS at DAC this year:… Read More

FinFET Designs Need Early Reliability Analysis

FinFET Designs Need Early Reliability Analysis
by Pawan Fangaria on 02-19-2015 at 9:30 pm

In a world with mobile and IoT devices driven by ultra-low power, high performance and small footprint transistors, FinFET based designs are ideal. FinFETs provide high current drive, low leakage and high device density. However, a FinFET transistor is more exposed to thermal issues, electro migration (EM), and electrostatic… Read More

Noise & Reliability of FinFET Designs – Success Stories!

Noise & Reliability of FinFET Designs – Success Stories!
by Pawan Fangaria on 11-01-2014 at 7:00 am

I think by now there has been good level of discussion on FinFET technology at sub-20 nm process nodes and this is an answer to ultra dense, high performance, low power, and billion+ gate SoC designs within the same area. However, it comes with some of the key challenges with respect to power, noise and reliability of the design. A FinFET… Read More

A Comprehensive Power Analysis Solution for SoC+Package

A Comprehensive Power Analysis Solution for SoC+Package
by Pawan Fangaria on 09-08-2014 at 4:00 pm

Since power has become a critical factor in semiconductor chip design, the stress is towards decreasing supply voltage to reduce power consumption. However, the threshold voltage to switch devices cannot go down beyond a certain limit and these results in an extremely narrow margin for noise between the two. And that gets further… Read More

Know All About ESD and Save Your Chips & Systems

Know All About ESD and Save Your Chips & Systems
by Pawan Fangaria on 08-24-2014 at 7:30 pm

In this age of electronics, especially with so many different types of human held devices and more upcoming wearable devices, it’s utmost important to protect the massive circuitry inside those tiny parts in the devices from ESD related failures. The protection needs to happen at all stages – cells inside the chips, package… Read More

Paving the Path for Robust Electronic System Design

Paving the Path for Robust Electronic System Design
by Pawan Fangaria on 07-13-2014 at 7:30 pm

In today’s era of low power and high performance components, preferably on a single chip provides impetus to much larger electronic systems packaged into much smaller cases; smartphones are the immediate examples which encapsulate multiple functions other than the intended ones, viz. phone and data communication. As an example,… Read More