Is the Chief IoT Barrier Privacy?

Is the Chief IoT Barrier Privacy?
by Daniel Nenni on 05-11-2014 at 9:00 am

The World Affairs Council event, The Internet of Things: Global Implications of Merging the Physical and Digital Worlds, was hosted by Cadence last week. One thing I can tell you is that Cadence sure does know how to throw a party! They had me at free food and beer but the topic was also of great interest since my next project will involve… Read More

I’d give my right ARM to be ambidextrous

I’d give my right ARM to be ambidextrous
by Don Dingee on 05-09-2014 at 8:00 am

Baseball loves a good switch hitter – from Frisch to Mantle to Rose to Murray to Jones, they are a rare and valuable commodity. AMD is calling on ambidexterity for its processors in 2015 and beyond, this week tipping plans for 20nm “Project SkyBridge” parts in either ARM or X86 with a common footprint. What remains to be seen is where… Read More

Intel is Still Missing Mobile!

Intel is Still Missing Mobile!
by Daniel Nenni on 05-07-2014 at 9:00 am

Paul McLellan was on assignment in Hong Kong last week so I attended the Linley Mobile Conference and was not surprised Intel did not present. During the networking sessions I asked more than a dozen people why and the answers were pretty focused on “Intel still does not play well with others” and “Intel’s current mobile offerings… Read More

Hardware/Software Debug

Hardware/Software Debug
by Paul McLellan on 05-04-2014 at 10:59 pm

One of the big challenges with modern SoCs is that they have a complex software component as well as the hardware itself being complex. Some aspects of the hardware can be debugged independently of the software and vice versa, but often it is not immediately clear whether the source of a problem is hardware, software or some interaction… Read More

Shorten Time to Market for NVM Express Based Storage Solution

Shorten Time to Market for NVM Express Based Storage Solution
by Daniel Nenni on 04-24-2014 at 11:00 am

A number of technical and business trends are converging to create a booming market for solid state drives (SSDs), with gigabytes of flash memory capacity along with the related control electronics packaged in the form factor of a 1.8”‐, 2.5”‐ or 3.5”. storage device. The first is the emergence of tablets and pervasiveness of smart… Read More

ARM Results, Strong Biceps

ARM Results, Strong Biceps
by Paul McLellan on 04-23-2014 at 10:53 am

ARM announced their Q1 results yesterday. Having just written that Intel lost $1B in mobile, I guess I could have used the title “ARM didn’t lose $1B in mobile.” They made $100M (on revenues of $300M). So let’s start off with what their results actually were and then look at what other things of interest … Read More

Does Processor IP still get the Lion’s share in 2013?

Does Processor IP still get the Lion’s share in 2013?
by Eric Esteve on 04-17-2014 at 1:00 pm

I think that the answer is pretty obvious, but the interesting point is to figure out which processor type, and which part of revenues, up-front license or royalties? One of my customers, let’s call him Mr. X, ask me to clarify this point. Mr. X has bought the excellent report from Gartner “Market Share: Semiconductor Design Intellectual… Read More

Intel Lost $1B in Mobile Last Quarter

Intel Lost $1B in Mobile Last Quarter
by Paul McLellan on 04-16-2014 at 8:00 am

Intel announced their quarterly results today. Revenue was $12.8B, up 1% from a year ago with operating income of $2.5B also up 1% from last year.

Since the future of the world is mobile and not desktop/laptop, the mobile results are the most interesting. Mobile sales fell 61% to $156M. This includes mobile products and anything … Read More

Will IoT Drive the Next Semiconductor Revolution?

Will IoT Drive the Next Semiconductor Revolution?
by Daniel Nenni on 04-14-2014 at 9:00 pm

To further my quest to comprehend the latest trends in the semiconductor industry continues, I spent the morning with SEMI at the “The Silicon Valley Breakfast Forum: Internet of Things (IoT) – Driving the Microelectronics Revolution” seminar. I’m a big fan of the breakfast seminar concept. I’m up early anyway and it is … Read More

Advancements in Nanoscale Manufacturing

Advancements in Nanoscale Manufacturing
by Paul McLellan on 04-10-2014 at 1:40 pm

I’m at the GSA Silicon Summit today, at the computer history museum. The first panel session this morning was about future process technology. It was moderated by Joe Sawicki of Mentor with a panel consisting of Rob Aitken from ARM, Paul Farrar of G450C, Peter Huang of TSMC, John Kibarian of PDF Solutions and someone from Applied… Read More