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A Thoughtful Semiconductor Outlook – Needed Now More Than Ever

A Thoughtful Semiconductor Outlook – Needed Now More Than Ever
by Mike Gianfagna on 05-20-2020 at 2:00 pm

semiconductor market

If you’re not dizzy from all the changing market projections lately, you soon will be. At times like this, I believe it’s important to keep perspective and look beyond the next 24-hour news cycle to try and understand what the future holds. I’m happy to report there’s a great event coming up in June that will do just that.

The Silicon Valley chapter of SEMI is presenting a webinar entitled: WAFERS TO WALL STREET—A Semiconductor Outlook: Emerging Markets & Technologies and the Impact of COVID-19 on the Supply Chainon June 25, 2020 from 8:00 AM to 10:45 AM Pacific Daylight Time. This event looks like it will deliver a lot of great information. Before I get into that, a bit about the organizer.

In its words, SEMI is a “global industry association serving the product design and manufacturing chain for the electronics industry.” The organization has over 2,300 member companies and 1.3 million individual members. I’ve been to many SEMI-run events over the years and I can tell you they are relevant, well-run and informative.

The upcoming event promises to deliver an important and unique perspective. We all know the semiconductor industry is influenced by a complex balance of financial results, ecosystem interactions and market performance (both existing and emerging). You need to take all that into account to try and figure out what will happen next. This event brings together a panel of speakers that can address all those aspects. The top-level agenda of the event includes:

  • Market Outlook, Technology Trends, Market Indicators and Drivers
  • Impact of Emerging Technologies on Regional & Global Economies
  • Impact of COVID-19 on the Electronics Supply Chain
  • Trends for Fab Investments and Capacities
  • Materials and Advanced Packaging Opportunities and Challenges
  • Integration Technologies
  • Q&A Session

That’s a lot to deliver. Let’s look at who will be presenting:

Jan Gaudested: Vice President, Business Development, Wooptix, a light field imaging company headquartered in Tenerife, Spain, developing advanced technology for the semiconductor metrology equipment market.

John Pitzer: Managing Director, Global Technology Strategist, Technology Sector Head and Semiconductor Analyst for Credit Suisse Group. Mr. Pitzer has a lot of excellent credentials regarding the semiconductor capital equipment market.

Godfrey Cheng: Head of Global Marketing, TSMC. TSMC needs no introduction. Prior to TSMC, Mr. Godfrey led various corporate, product and technical marketing functions at ATI Technologies and AMD.

Wenge Yang: Vice President, Market Strategy, Entegris. Dr. Wang has been leading product and market strategy, market research and market trend analysis, strategic marketing, and the strategic technology roadmap for Entegris since 2012. Previously, he was an equity research analyst at Citigroup covering the semiconductor equipment and materials sector. Dr. Yang received a PhD in Materials Science and Engineering and an MBA from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.

Christian Gregor Dieseldorff: Senior Principal, Industry Research and Statistics Semiconductors, SEMI HQ. Before joining SEMI in 2007, Mr. Dieseldorff led engineering efforts at places like Siemens, IBM, International Sematech and Infineon.

Carolin Seward: Vice President & General Manager, Data Center Solutions Group, Intel. She is responsible for delivering integrated data center solutions with the best customer experience for the lifecycle of the product. Previously, Carolin was Vice President in the Technology and Manufacturing Group and Director of Global Supply Management at Intel.

Katsumi Hoashi: Vice President, Corporate Strategic Planning, TDK. Haoshi-san has 20 years of management experience in system LSI products in the consumer market. He has also worked at TDK, Socionext and Panasonic.

Yin Chang: Senior Vice President, Sales & Marketing, ASE Group Global. Mr. Chang is responsible for developing and executing sales strategy and marketing activities for ASE’s expanding packaging, systems, and integration solutions portfolio. He has a long history of working on advanced packaging technologies.

As you can see, all aspects of the forces that influence the semiconductor market will be covered at this event, from financial to equipment, ecosystem and technology/markets. Learn more about the event and sign up here. I plan to attend, and I hope you will as well.

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