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GlobalFoundries 2012 Update!

GlobalFoundries 2012 Update!
by Daniel Nenni on 05-04-2012 at 8:55 pm

 What’s new with Glofo? Quite a bit actually. It was interesting to see a Made in America: Global Companies Expand in U.S. Towns segment on semiconductors! Give it a look, I enjoyed it. It’s an election year, jobs are key to any election, so it did not surprise me to see President Obama making the rounds:

In coordination with The White House, GLOBALFOUNDRIES today announced it will help host a visit by President Barack Obama to New York’s Capital Region on Tuesday, May 8, 2012……

“The President’s visit highlights the success of this region to create new public-private economic development initiatives. We’re proud of the role we are playing as a leading semiconductor manufacturer, investing in the new R&D and manufacturing operations now driving innovation, creating new jobs, and increasing economic opportunities throughout the Capital Region,” said Ajit Manocha, CEO, GLOBALFOUNDRIES. “On behalf of our more than 12,000 employees worldwide, and our more than 1,500 employees in New York, I thank President Obama and leaders in this region for recognizing the impact our investments are making to create new jobs and develop upstate New York as a premier hub for the global economy.

If you really want to understand GlobalFoundries read the bookThe Little Engine that Could which highlights optimism, motivation, hard work, and the American dream. One of my favorites as a child. I read it to my children and I hope to read it to my grandchildren.

DAC 2012 is coming June 3-7 (my 29th DAC) and I’m happy to say GlobalFoundries will be there once again. They always put on a great show and this year there is an impressive list of technical seminars:

[TABLE] cellspacing=”3″
| colspan=”5″ | June, 2012
| style=”width: 10px” | 4
| style=”width: 34px” | Mon
| style=”width: 87px” | 9am – 10am
| Cadence Seminar: Topic TBD
| style=”width: 5px” |
| 10am – 11am
| FoundryView Customer Testing
| 10am – 11am
| GLOBALFOUNDRIES Seminar: PDKs for Advanced Process Nodes
| 11am – 12pm
| FoundryView Customer Testing
| 11am – 12pm
| 12pm – 1pm
| GLOBALFOUNDRIES Seminar: Production AMS Design Flow Update
| 1pm – 2pm
| Catena Seminar: WiFi RF Solutions and Platform Development on GLOBALFOUNDRIES Low Power Processes
| 2pm – 3pm
| FoundryView Customer Testing
| 2pm – 3pm
| Mentor Seminar: GLOBALFOUNDRIES and Mentor Calibre–Getting to Silicon Faster
| 3pm – 4pm
| FoundryView Customer Testing
| 3pm – 4pm
| GLOBALFOUNDRIES Seminar: Beyond 28nm: New Frontiers and Innovations in Design For Manufacturability at the Limits of the Scaling Roadmap
| 4pm – 5pm
| Synopsys Seminar: Topic TBD
| 5pm – 6pm
| GLOBALFOUNDRIES Seminar: 28nm and the Runway to 20nm
| 5
| Tue
| 10am – 11am
| FoundryView Customer Testing
| 10am – 11am
| Synopsys Seminar: Topic TBD
| 11am – 12pm
| FoundryView Customer Testing
| 11am – 12pm
| GLOBALFOUNDRIES Seminar: PDKs for Advanced Process Nodes
| 12pm – 1pm
| ChipEstimate Seminar: Topic TBD
| 1pm – 2pm
| Seminar TBD
| 2pm – 3pm
| FoundryView Customer Testing
| 2pm – 3pm
| GLOBALFOUNDRIES Seminar: Beyond 28nm: New Frontiers and Innovations in Design For Manufacturability at the Limits of the Scaling Roadmap
| 3pm – 4pm
| FoundryView Customer Testing
| 3pm – 4pm
| Cadence Seminar: Topic TBD
| 4pm – 5pm
| GLOBALFOUNDRIES Seminar: Design Enablement: Digital Sign-Off Flow Update
| 5pm – 6pm
| GLOBALFOUNDRIES Seminar: RF CMOS for Wireless Applications
| 6
| Wed
| 9am – 10am
| Mentor Seminar: GLOBALFOUNDRIES and Mentor Calibre–Getting to Silicon Faster
| 10am – 11am
| FoundryView Customer Testing
| 10am – 11am
| GLOBALFOUNDRIES Seminar: Beyond 28nm: New Frontiers and Innovations in Design For Manufacturability at the Limits of the Scaling Roadmap
| 11am – 12pm
| FoundryView Customer Testing
| 12pm – 1pm
| ARM Seminar: Topic TBD
| 1pm – 2pm
| Synopsys Seminar: Topic TBD
| 2pm – 3pm
| FoundryView Customer Testing
| 2pm – 3pm
| Cadence Seminar: Topic TBD
| 3pm – 4pm
| FoundryView Customer Testing
| 3pm – 4pm
| GLOBALFOUNDRIES Seminar: PDKs for Advanced Process Nodes

Next year DAC is in Austin Texas so take advantage of the great San Francisco location, get out and collaborate. The semiconductor ecosystem depends on it. I hope to see you all there!

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