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Automobiles and DAC

Automobiles and DAC
by Daniel Payne on 04-15-2014 at 5:29 pm

On SemiWiki we have some 247 blogs and forum discussions on the topic of “automotive“, so I’m pleased to learn that at DAC in San Francisco there is a new track just for automotive systems and software. Just consider all of that electronic content in your typical auto:

  • Lighting
  • Radio
  • Powertrain controls
  • Driver assistance
  • Safety features
  • Infotainment

First of all, get registered for DAC, then attend the automotive systems and software track from Monday, June 2nd to Wednesday, June 4th. Here’s a quick summary to whet your appetite and show you the range of tutorials, keynotes, sessions and panels all setup:

Monday, June 2nd

Tuesday, June 3rd

Wednesday, June 4th

Focusing on end-markets like automotive at DAC makes a lot of sense to me, remember it’s the end use of electronics that drives our EDA and IP industry in the first place. Get full details about the automotive systems and software track at the DAC web site.

lang: en_US

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