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semiwiki800x100V3 01
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Webinar: Rescale is Providing an On-Ramp to the Hybrid Cloud for Chip Design

Webinar: Rescale is Providing an On-Ramp to the Hybrid Cloud for Chip Design
by Mike Gianfagna on 01-11-2021 at 6:00 am

Webinar Rescale is Providing an On Ramp to the Hybrid Cloud for Chip Design

We all know that design complexity is increasing at a fast pace. There’s always more analysis to run on larger and larger volumes of data. During tapeout, these demands can grow by an order of magnitude. Successful design projects need to add huge amounts of CPU, memory and storage for short bursts of time during tapeout to meet their schedule and time-to-market imperatives. All this wreaks havoc with the predictability and long-lead time provisioning associated with on-premises data center operations. “Bursting” to the cloud is the perfect answer to this difficult problem but getting there efficiently and reliably can be a complex task.  Until now. Recale has developed a comprehensive solution to this problem and they explain their approach in a very informative webinar. If you want to learn how Rescale is providing an on-ramp to the hybrid cloud for chip design, read on.

This webinar was originally presented as part of the SemiWiki Webinar Series and the replay is now available from Rescale. A link is coming, but first let’s examine what you’ll see and learn by attending. The webinar presents the benefits of a hybrid cloud approach to empower design teams to accelerate time to market and reduce schedule risk. Rescale’s all new hybrid cloud platform is presented. The platform is built to seamlessly transition workloads to the cloud for increased scale and performance, while maintaining the highest level of security and efficiency.  

Before I get into more details, I want to offer a personal perspective on the topic of cloud-based IC design. Simply put, it’s not as easy as it seems. During my time at eSilicon, we pioneered a complete cloud-based environment for front-to-back IC design. As they say, the devil is in the details and we encountered our share of demons along the way. Run-time consistency between on-prem and cloud, data coherency and controlled and efficient provisioning are just some of the challenges. A platform to handle all this is something to look at very seriously if you are contemplating a hybrid cloud environment.

Jose Fernandez
Jose Fernandez

The webinar begins with Jose Fernandez, Semiconductor and Electronics Partnerships, providing an overview of Rescale. The company has been around since 2011 and has built an impressive portfolio of partners, customers and deployed applications. The figure below summarizes some of this data. Jose goes on to discuss the challenges of IC design today and the rather full platform Rescale provides to address these challenges. The names listed in this section will be familiar to all; Rescale has quite a large reach.

Rescale at a glance
Rescale at a glance
Jeff Critten
Jeff Critten

Next, Jeff Critten, Account Executive discusses how Rescale’s capabilities impact chip design. Jeff provides details about how the platform is configured and highlights ease of use. The specific workflows supported are detailed. Jeff then presents several customer use cases and success stories. This discussion provides a lot of detail about what the problem was, who had it and how it was addressed. There is a well-produced video embedded in the webinar from Gaon Chips about how they use Rescale and the hybrid cloud to address their design challenges. This video alone is worth the time to view the webinar. You’ll hear perspectives from employees and ecosystem partners.

Riaz Liyakath
Riaz Liyakath

Next, Riaz Liyakata, Solutions Architect takes you through a Mentor Calibre live demo. Before he gets into the Calibre DRC demo on the cloud, Riaz provides an overview of the EDA tools and cloud providers that are available on the Rescale platform. The list is very complete and very impressive. The Calibre demo covers all aspects of deploying a complex application in the cloud, including provisioning, data management and runtime support. This is a very complete demo and will give you a strong sense of the breadth of the Rescale platform.

Jose completes the webinar with a summary of Rescale’s core strengths and benefits. I don’t want to give too much of the webinar content away, but this phrase says a lot:

Rescale is easy and powerful EDA in the cloud

If you are contemplating the need to burst to the cloud for your next design project, you need to see this webinar. Rescale is providing an on-ramp to the hybrid cloud for chip design. You can access the webinar replay here.

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