EDA revenues for Q2 2012 were up 10.8% compared to Q2 2011 as reported by EDAC today.
- IC Physical Design & Verification
- Semi IP
- Services
Each quarter, the EDA Consortium publishes the Market Statistics Service (MSS) report containing detailed revenue data for the EDA industry. The report compiles data submitted confidentially by both public and private EDA companies into tables and charts listing the data by both EDA category and geographic region. This newsletter highlights the results for the second quarter of 2012. Additional details are available in the press release, or by subscribing to the EDA Consortium MSS report.
Overall, second quarter 2012 EDA revenues increased 10.8% compared to the same period in 2011. Total revenue for Q2 was $1593.0 million. Figures 1 and 2, below, summarize the revenue growth for Q2 2012 compared to Q2 2011, detailed by category (figure 1) and geographic region (figure 2). The MSS report contains many additional sub-categories, allowing subscribers to perform a more detailed analysis of revenues affecting their business. A complete list of categories for 2012 is available here.
[TABLE] style=”width: 750px”
| align=”center” valign=”top” style=”width: 375px” |
| align=”center” valign=”top” style=”width: 375px” |
| align=”center” valign=”top” |
| align=”center” valign=”top” |
Tables 1 and 2, below, show the percentage growth for the EDA industry by major category and region. (Negative growth is listed in parentheses).
[TABLE] style=”width: 750px”
| align=”center” valign=”top” style=”width: 375px” | [TABLE] align=”center” style=”width: 350px”
| align=”left” valign=”bottom” style=”width: 150px” | Category
| align=”center” valign=”bottom” style=”width: 75px” | Revenue
($ Millions)
| align=”center” valign=”bottom” width=”75″ style=”font-weight: bold; font-size: 10pt” | % Change
| align=”left” valign=”middle” width=”150″ style=”font-size: 10pt” | CAE
| align=”right” valign=”middle” width=”75″ style=”font-size: 10pt” | 618.4
| align=”right” valign=”middle” width=”75″ style=”font-size: 10pt” | 12.5
| align=”left” valign=”middle” width=”150″ style=”font-size: 10pt” | IC Physical Design & Verification
| align=”right” valign=”middle” width=”75″ style=”font-size: 10pt” | 327.9
| align=”right” valign=”middle” width=”75″ style=”font-size: 10pt” | 14.3
| align=”left” valign=”middle” width=”150″ style=”font-size: 10pt” | PCB & MCM
| align=”right” valign=”middle” width=”75″ style=”font-size: 10pt” | 141.0
| align=”right” valign=”middle” width=”75″ style=”font-size: 10pt” | (-2.7)
| align=”left” valign=”middle” width=”150″ style=”font-size: 10pt” | SIP
| align=”right” valign=”middle” width=”75″ style=”font-size: 10pt” | 420.5
| align=”right” valign=”middle” width=”75″ style=”font-size: 10pt” | 14.4
| align=”left” valign=”middle” width=”150″ style=”font-size: 10pt” | Services
| align=”right” valign=”middle” width=”75″ style=”font-size: 10pt” | 85.1
| align=”right” valign=”middle” width=”75″ style=”font-size: 10pt” | (-4.1)
| align=”center” valign=”top” width=”375″ | [TABLE] align=”center” style=”width: 350px”
| align=”left” valign=”bottom” style=”width: 150px” | Region
| align=”center” valign=”bottom” style=”width: 75px” | Revenue
($ Millions)
| align=”center” valign=”bottom” width=”75″ style=”font-weight: bold; font-size: 10pt” | % Change
| align=”left” valign=”middle” width=”150″ style=”font-size: 10pt” | Americas
| align=”right” valign=”middle” width=”75″ style=”font-size: 10pt” | 707.2
| align=”right” valign=”middle” width=”75″ style=”font-size: 10pt” | 13.0
| align=”left” valign=”middle” width=”150″ style=”font-size: 10pt” | EMEA
| align=”right” valign=”middle” width=”75″ style=”font-size: 10pt” | 261.2
| align=”right” valign=”middle” width=”75″ style=”font-size: 10pt” | 6.0
| align=”left” valign=”middle” width=”150″ style=”font-size: 10pt” | Japan
| align=”right” valign=”middle” width=”75″ style=”font-size: 10pt” | 258.6
| align=”right” valign=”middle” width=”75″ style=”font-size: 10pt” | 1.8
| align=”left” valign=”middle” width=”150″ style=”font-size: 10pt” | APAC
| align=”right” valign=”middle” width=”75″ style=”font-size: 10pt” | 366.0
| align=”right” valign=”middle” width=”75″ style=”font-size: 10pt” | 17.5
| align=”left” valign=”middle” |
| align=”right” valign=”middle” |
| align=”right” valign=”middle” |
| align=”center” valign=”top” | Table 1: Q1 2012 EDA revenue growth by category
| align=”center” valign=”top” | Table 2: Q1 2012 EDA revenue growth by region
Figure 3 (below) shows the EDA revenue percentages by major category. As the chart shows, CAE remains the largest category, followed by Semiconductor IP and IC Design and Verification tools. Geographically, the Americas is the largest consumer of EDA tools, with the remainder divided amongst Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA), Japan, and Asia Pacific (APAC), as shown in Figure 4. The quarterly MSS report includes additional details for the Asia Pacific region.
[TABLE] style=”width: 750px”
| align=”center” valign=”top” |
| align=”center” valign=”top” |
| align=”center” valign=”top” | Figure 3: Q2 2012 EDA revenue percentage by category
| align=”center” valign=”top” | Figure 4: Q2 2012 EDA revenue percentage by region
Figure 5 shows the historical EDA revenue for the major categories (CAE, PCB & MCM, IC Physical Design and Verification, SIP and Services) from Q1 1996 through Q2 2012. Each quarter’s MSS report contains detailed data for the current year as well as the previous 3 years quarterly data in both tabular and graphical formats.
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Data is reported confidentially to an independent accounting firm, which allows both public and private companies to report revenue data by detailed category. Individual company data is not reported, and steps are taken to further protect individual data for categories with a small number of reporting companies. Contributing data is free, and contributors will receive the quarterly MSS executive summary report. The full report is available via subscription, and contains substantially more detailed information for EDA revenues by category and region, providing the information subscribers need to analyze trends in EDA.
For more information on the MSS report, including information on subscribing to the report and the benefits of joining the EDA Consortium, please visit the EDAC web site, or email mss12@edac.org.
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