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Social Media at Atrenta

Social Media at Atrenta
by Daniel Payne on 03-27-2014 at 11:01 pm

Atrentais well-known for their SpyGlass software that enables SoC engineers to run early design analysis on RTL code and create a hardware virtual prototype for analysis prior to implementation. Visiting their website you quickly see that social media plays an important role in connecting with engineers as links for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and RSS Feed are placed in the header.

Let’s take a closer look at each of these social media channels.


There are 597 Likes on the Facebook page, and at most one post per day:

Not every post is about Atrenta technology, like the most recent post above it’s an educational article about latches versus flip-flops comparing between different clocking methodologies. Much of the content is linked to longer articles at: EDA Cafe, Semi Engineering, Chip Design Magazine, SemiWiki and of course Atrenta for white papers and webinars.


The second social media icon in the header is Twitter, and their handle is @Atrenta. Like Facebook, you can expect about 1 tweet per day on Twitter.

Unlike Facebook, there are fewer followers on Twitter at 141. Most of the tweets link to the same longer articles also posted on Facebook. I could find only one personal or funny tweet, back on December 16th and it was covering the holiday season with a video:


Although not listed in their web page header, there is a YouTube channel for Atrenta and with 9 videos they have attracted 53,772 views. The two most watched videos use humor to convey the message with a Geeky guy.

Remember folks, YouTube is the #2 most-used property on the web, next to #1 Google.


The most popular place to connect with Atrenta would be on LinkedIn, with some 5,026 followers.

I’ve got 6 first-degree connections and 259 second-degree connections with people at Atrenta, plus there are some 452 employeesof Atrenta using LinkedIn which is a huge percentage of the company. Their product page lists: SpyGlass, GenSys and BugScope.


This acronym means Really Simple Syndication and it’s a slick way to keep up with any press release that Atrenta issues. Clicking their RSS icon brings you to a feedburnerpage where you can subscribe by clicking on your favorite RSS feedreader, my choice is feedly:

The current press releases are listed chronologically:


There are a handful of bloggers at Atrenta and you’ll find them over at www.semiengineering.com:

What I really like about this blog site is how easy it is to share an article with my own social network by clicking one of the many icons.


This social network from Google is becoming more popular for EDA and Semiconductor companies to use, and Atrenta has an account.

You’ll find the same articles linked here as on Facebook or LinkedIn. With the explosive growth of the Android OS on phones and tablets, expect similar and continued growth for Google+ accounts.


I would recommend that you follow Atrenta first on LinkedIn, and then add your favorite social media channel from the links above. Bernard Murphy is one of the few C-level executives in the EDA industry who blogs and reaches out to the design community using social media, which I found refreshing.

lang: en_US

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