At DAC you can measure buzz by how many people are crowded into your booth. I saw a crowd at the Oasys booth, so stopped to take in their 10 minute overview presentation. Here’s what I learned.
Implementation Issues Oasys resolves:
Generates an initial floorplan as guidance to P&R team
Elminates routing congestion
PPA improvment of your IP
Constraints debugging
Implement what if exploration
Fast path to implementation.
Overview: 2009 physical RTL synthesis, also used by Xilinix Vivado tool
Intel Capital & Xilinx investors
Oasys Synthesis: Unlike traditional RTL synthesis, gate-level optimization.
– RTL level optimization to give 10X TAT, capacity to synthesize top-levle of any dsing.
– Placement has biggest impact on timing. Place first methodology.
– RTL synthesized into a virtual partition, then placed gates.
– One db from RTL to placement, physical cross-probe between RTL/Gates/Placement
– Find timing violations and find the RTL source code and placement in floorplan, saves hours of time
– Initial flooplan? RealTime flooplan compiler. Not 6 weeks, but just hours.
– Place first methodology is unique, and in 1-2 days you have an optimal placement, hand off to P&R team
– Is my design ready for implementation?
– Creates floorplans, timing maps, dynamic & static power maps, routing congestion.
– Identify congestion, caused by a mux with 2,000 wires.
– Have I met my power budget?
– Dynamic and Static power estimates early in the design process. Other tools are approximate in power.
– How do you know this is the best implementatin option?
– Not enought time to explore synthesis options?
– With Oasys you can explore the design space, many options, not just a few. Did I meet my PPA requirements?
How do you implement your design?
RealTime Designer – Run on production chips, up to 10X faster TAT, 100M+ gate capacity, good starting point to P&R.
Equivalency Checker – RealTime Parallel EC. RTL to gates verification.
*lang: en_US
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