In the world of Tech Goliaths, the seemingly low tech, not for profit Amazon continues to amaze investors with a high and rising stock price. More so than Google, Amazon is considered to have retail all wrapped up with the end game being sky-high warehouses and continuous truck rolls up and down our scenic neighborhoods. Walmart … Read More
RFIC Design Challenges at #50DAC
RFIC developers used to favor mature silicon processes, typically staying back a couple of nodes behind the leading edge. This bought foundries time for ‘RF-enabling’ their PDKs, and also maximized return on investment for developing RF models and infrastructure IP. Not the case any more, it seems. To address the insatiable … Read More
NanGate Launches Aggressive DAC Campaign: 50 Library Characterization Licenses for USD 50K
NanGate today announced a very aggressive “50-50 campaign”. Throughout June and July and in celebration of DAC 50th anniversary, NanGate will be offering 50 licenses of its Library Characterizer™ product for USD 50K for the first year. The offer applies to new customers as well as to existing customers that do not yet license the… Read More
Sagantec’s nmigrate adopted and deployed for 14nm technology
Major semiconductor company successfully migrated 28nm libraries to 14nm FinFET
Santa Clara, California – May 29, 2013 – Sagantec announced that its nmigrate tool was adopted by a major semiconductor company for the development of standard cell libraries at 14nm and 16nm FinFET technologies.
This customer already… Read More
A Brief History of NanGate
NanGate got started in 2004 by a group of engineers from Vitesse Semi and Intel. The technology and market idea was to address and solve the inherent shortcomings of standard cell based design as compared to full custom. Anyone having tried to push the performance of a standard cell design knows the frustration… if only I had a better… Read More
Tag it! Your customer will love using IP compliant with TSMC9000 IP Tag specification
We have seen last week in a first post how crucial was the IP qualification process (TSMC 9000) to increase the probability of successfully Tape Out a chip. Being able to discriminate between dangerous and safe IP is the first step of TSMC 9000 Quality process, IP tagging is the complementary step, almost as essential as the first … Read More
Fabless to OIP
Suk Lee drew the short straw at the TSMC Symposium yesterday, with the 5pm slot. Not only late in the day but between all the attendees and free beer. The morning sessions had been standing room only, with several hundred standees (as they call them on muni around here, but isn’t a standee really someone being stood on?). But … Read More
An Analog IC Router
Earlier this week I wrote about a Goliath in EDA, Synopsys, and their new analog router, today it’s the David in EDA, Pulsic and their Unity Analog Router. I spoke with several people from Pulsic by phone:
- Christopher Jost – San Jose
- Dave Noble – San Jose
- Fumiaki Sato – Tokyo, Japan
Schematic Migration Across Foundries and Processes
A dedicated schematic migration tool can save weeks of effort and allow companies to explore new foundry opportunities. Unfortunately moving analog and mixed signal design data between foundries and processes is a complex business. While engineers would rather spend their days creating new circuits, many spend time translating… Read More
Video? Tensilica Has You Covered
Video is a huge growing area and advanced imaging applications are becoming ubiquitous. By “advanced” I mean more than just things like cameras in your smartphone. There is lots more coming, from high-dynamic range (HDR) photography, gesture recognition, more and more intelligent video in cars to keep us safe, … Read More
Rethinking Multipatterning for 2nm Node