Primarius 2B
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3D-IC: Embedded Passives

3D-IC: Embedded Passives
by Arabinda Das on 03-02-2015 at 1:00 am

IEDM 2014 was held in the second week of December 2014 in San Francisco. The excitement is over now and the dust has settled. Last week, at my leisure, I was glancing through the conference proceedings and short course material from IEDM 2014, when a slide from the 3DIC short course caught my attention. The slide presented below gives… Read More

EUV Makes Progress and Other Observations From SPIE

EUV Makes Progress and Other Observations From SPIE
by Scotten Jones on 02-26-2015 at 1:00 pm

The SPIE Advanced Lithography Conference is the world’s premier conference for patterning techniques utilized to manufacture semiconductors. At any given time during the conference there are multiple parallel sessions so it is impossible to see all of the papers presented. Prior to the conference I reviewed and blogged on … Read More

Who Leads Semiconductor Innovation?

Who Leads Semiconductor Innovation?
by Pawan Fangaria on 02-25-2015 at 5:30 pm

Semiconductor business is highly dependent on technology and that changes very rapidly in the semiconductor space. It’s important to recognize the importance of research and innovation activities in this space. In my last article on 7nm technology node, one respondent commented, very rightly, “It’s important to have competition… Read More

Vietnam: Rising Star in Electronics

Vietnam: Rising Star in Electronics
by Bill Jewell on 02-25-2015 at 1:00 pm

I recently returned from a trip to Southeast Asia, including Vietnam. The trip was for pleasure, not business, but I could not help but notice the boom in economic activity. The coastal cities of Hai Phong, Da Nang and NHA Trang were trying to outdo each other in building hotels, bridges and amusement parks – largely to cater to foreign… Read More

Samsung 14nm IS in Production!

Samsung 14nm IS in Production!
by Daniel Nenni on 02-24-2015 at 10:00 pm

There is quite a debate raging on whether Samsung Foundry is truly in production at 14nm. The word amongst the fabless semiconductor ecosystem is yes and this comes from two very large fabless companies that are reportedly using Samsung for 14nm and have even started looking at Samsung 10nm. Of course you can Google for stories by… Read More

ASML ASyMptotic progress- When will we get to EUV?

ASML ASyMptotic progress- When will we get to EUV?
by Robert Maire on 02-24-2015 at 5:30 pm

  • ASML making progress – but is it fast enough?
  • ASML has missed 10nm , can it catch 7nm? An economic question
  • Day one at SPIE- Better tone than last year but still cautious

1000 simulated wafers versus 700 simulated
At the opening of the SPIE conference ASML announced that TSMC had reached 1000 wafers a day “exposed”
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Advantages when Designing with FD-SOI

Advantages when Designing with FD-SOI
by Daniel Nenni on 02-23-2015 at 7:00 pm

In total we have blogged 41 times about FD-SOI on SemiWiki which has drawn an audience of 202,960 thus far. Of that traffic 31.68% came directly to SemiWiki (Newsletter), 30.13% came from search, 26.17% from social media (LinkedIn, FaceBook, Twitter, Google+, Reddit, etc…), and 11.99% came from other referring sites. The most… Read More

GlobalFoundries 2014: a Year of Change

GlobalFoundries 2014: a Year of Change
by Paul McLellan on 02-23-2015 at 7:00 am

GlobalFoundries at the end of 2014 is a very different company from what it was a the beginning of the year.

At the start of 2014, GF was a company with:

  • a CEO in Ajit Manocha who was reputed to be just a safe pair of hands while the company found a new CEO
  • several 200mm fabs in Singapore (the old Chartered fabs) running mature processes,
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Simply the Highest Performing Cortex-M MCU

Simply the Highest Performing Cortex-M MCU
by Eric Esteve on 02-22-2015 at 11:30 am

If you target high growth markets like wearable (Sport Watches, Fitness Bands, Wearable medical) industrial (mPOS, Telematics, etc.) or Smart Appliances, you expect using a power efficient MCU delivering high DMIPs count. We are talking about systems requiring a low Bill of Material (BoM) both in term of cost and devices count.… Read More

IoT Sensor Node Designs Call for Highly Integrated Flows

IoT Sensor Node Designs Call for Highly Integrated Flows
by Tom Simon on 02-21-2015 at 7:00 pm

Applications for IoT sensors are becoming more sophisticated, especially for industrial usage. Building optimal sensors for different applications requires multi-domain design, optimization and verification flows. The sensor devices are usually MEMS, and as such have electrical properties that need to be tailored to … Read More