A unique phenomenon has started manifesting itself under the slew of mergers and acquisitions this year in the semiconductor landscape. This phenomenon is bound to intensify in the near future and would positions itself as a key factor for the future of the semiconductor industry. The winners and losers in the game would be determined… Read More
Author: Pawan Fangaria
Semiconductors Future Hinges on a Single Pillar
Connections to Internet Drives Semiconductors
We are going to see a big reversal in what connects to the internet in next five years. At the start of this century there were about 488 million internet connections; 85% of those were connected to people for web browsing, e-mails, on-line services etc. and only 15% were used for embedded systems, remote sensing and control, and M2M… Read More
Leveraging HLS/HLV Flow for ASIC Design Productivity
Imagine how semiconductor design sizes leapt higher with automation in digital design, which started from standard hardware languages like Verilog and VHDL; analog design automation is still catching up. However, it was not without a significant effort put in moving designers from entering schematics to writing RTL, which… Read More
Calibre in the Middle of Semiconductor Ecosystem
Albert Einsteinhad said, “In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity”. In today’s world dominated by technology, or I must say internet which has initiated collaborative information sharing, “leading from the middle” is the new mantra of life.… Read More
Challenges in IP Qualification with Rising Physical Data
With every new technology node, there are newer physical effects that need to be taken into account. And every new physical effect brings with itself several new formats to model them. Often a format is also associated with several of its derivatives, sometimes an standard reincarnation of a proprietary format further evolved… Read More
IoT Innovation Enters Public Infrastructure
I often hear about IoT being overhyped on what it needs and what it can actually provide. However, in my view, truly there seems to be a large potential in IoT enabled technologies and applications which we will see over upcoming years in the near future. It will gradually proliferate into various segments of our environment through… Read More
5 Verification Challenges of IoT Solved by Emulation
Software-centric Emulation environment takes the forefront in modern SoC verification. As more and more devices are IoT enabled, the SoCs have to make special provisions to factor many things including communication, power usage, and network switching, and so on. Also, the demand for an SoC (specifically for smartphone which… Read More
IDMs are Much Ahead of Fabless Semicon Companies
In a balancing global economy, it’s a common phenomenon that at certain times a few sectors or segments within the sectors grow much faster compared to others. And a few companies within the growing sectors lead those sectors. Both the growing sectors and the leading companies in those sectors become the centers of attraction. … Read More
Advances in DDR IP Solution for High-Performance SoCs
In this era of high-performance, low-power, and low-cost devices coming up at an unprecedented scale, the SoCs can never attain the ultimate in performance; always there is scope for improvement. Several methods including innovative technology, multi-processor architecture, memory, data traffic management for low latency,… Read More
How to Gain Low-Power at High-Performance
In a world of smart devices, high performance is required in order to address several specific needs such as intelligent and immediate data processing for IoT applications, instant response from mobile devices, highly interactive user interfaces, and so on. Most of these devices are battery operated and hence require lower … Read More
Will 50% of New High Performance Computing (HPC) Chip Designs be Multi-Die in 2025?