It’s clear that blockchain will revolutionize operations and processes in many industries and governments agencies if adopted, but its adoption requires time and efforts, in addition blockchain technology will stimulate people to acquire new skills, and traditional business will have to completely reconsider their processes… Read More
Author: Ahmed Banafa
9 Trends Will Dominate Blockchain Technology In 2023
Blockchain 4.0
The simple and best definition of Blockchain technology is to think about it as electricity , you only see it’s applications but you understand how important it’s and know there are many applications and products that can run on it . But like any other technology it went through stages and evolved as it progressed and matured. We started… Read More
Microchips in Humans: Consumer-Friendly App, or New Frontier in Surveillance?
On 2021, a British/Polish firm known as Walletmor announced that it had become the first company to sell implantable payment microchips to everyday consumers. While the first microchip was implanted into a human way back in 1998, says the BBC News—so long ago it might as well be the Dark Ages in the world of computing—it is only recently… Read More
Intellectual Abilities of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
To understand AI’s capabilities and abilities we need to recognize the different components and subsets of AI. Terms like Neural Networks, Machine Learning (ML), and Deep Learning, need to be define and explained.
In general, Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed… Read More
The Metaverse: Myths and Facts
Any new technology involves a certain amount of ambiguity and myths. In the case of the Metaverse, however, many of the myths have been exaggerated and facts were misrepresented, while the Metaverse vision will take years to mature fully, the building blocks to begin this process are already in place. Key hardware and software … Read More
Quantum Computing Trends
Quantum Computing is the area of study focused on developing computer technology based on the principles of quantum theory. Tens of billions of public and private capitals are being invested in Quantum technologies. Countries across the world have realized that quantum technologies can be a major disruptor of existing businesses,… Read More
Facebook or Meta: Change the Head Coach
The title of this article shows one side of the problem with #Meta or Facebook which is how people saying the name and adding “whatever their name now….”, but let me get down to the main points by giving this example of comparing Facebook changing of its name to Meta, to repainting an old house with cracks and outdated design which will… Read More
The Metaverse: A Different Perspective
The term Metaverse has been a hot topic of conversation recently, with many tech giants like Facebook and Microsoft staking claims. But what is The Metaverse?
Author Neal Stephenson is credited with coining the term “metaverse” in his 1992 science fiction novel “Snow Crash”. He envisioned lifelike… Read More
Your Smart Device Will Feel Your Pain & Fear
What if your smart device could empathize with you? The evolving field known as affective computing is likely to make it happen soon. Scientists and engineers are developing systems and devices that can recognize, interpret, process, and simulate human affects or emotions. It is an interdisciplinary field spanning computer… Read More
Edge Computing Paradigm
Edge computing is a model in which data, processing and applications are concentrated in devices at the network rather than existing almost entirely in the cloud.
Edge Computing is a paradigm that extends Cloud Computing and services to the of the network, similar to Cloud, Edge provides data, compute, storage, and application… Read More
IEDM 2025 – TSMC 2nm Process Disclosure – How Does it Measure Up?