The Most Interesting CEO in Semiconductors!

The Most Interesting CEO in Semiconductors!
by Daniel Nenni on 10-21-2020 at 6:00 am

GTC 2020 Lip Bu Tan

Hands down, without a doubt, the most interesting CEO in semiconductors is Lip-Bu Tan, founder of Walden Capitol and current CEO of Cadence Design Systems. If you want to talk about a man with a plan it’s Lip-Bu Tan.

Before we get into the fireside chat between Tom Caufield and Lip-Bu at the GTC 2020 Virtual event let’s do a quick biography:… Read More

Lip-Bu Keynote at CDNLive 2019

Lip-Bu Keynote at CDNLive 2019
by Bernard Murphy on 04-10-2019 at 7:00 am

Cadence CEO Lip-Bu Tan is always an interesting guy to listen to for his broader technology industry overview and his insight into emerging tech through his Walden International investments. Though we’re usually heads-down in challenging technical problems, it’s good to look up from time to time to check whether what … Read More