Merger Mania: The Future of the Semiconductor Industry

Merger Mania: The Future of the Semiconductor Industry
by Pawan Fangaria on 11-12-2015 at 12:00 pm

In a semiconductor industry which appears maturing, we are also seeing the technologies unravelling newer transistor structures, memories, processors, and newer ways of designing ICs and electronic systems. The present decade appears to be at the cusp of a new transformation in the semiconductor industry. Amid a slew of mergers… Read More

Are There Trojans in Your Silicon? You Don’t Know

Are There Trojans in Your Silicon? You Don’t Know
by Paul McLellan on 04-22-2015 at 7:00 am

Yesterday was the Mentor users’ group U2U. As usual, Wally Rhines gave the keynote, this year entitled Secure Silicon, Enabler for the Internet of Things. Wally started off saying it was a challenge to find a new angle. The number of news articles on cloud computing has exploded from nothing to 72,000 last year. On IoT from … Read More

Don’t Miss Mentor Graphics U2U San Jose, April 21, 2015

Don’t Miss Mentor Graphics U2U San Jose, April 21, 2015
by Beth Martin on 04-16-2015 at 10:00 pm

Mentor Graphics’ User2User conference will be held next week on April 21[SUP]st[/SUP] at the San Jose DoubleTree Hotel. This one-day, free conference is the perfect opportunity to learn, network, and share with other Mentor Graphics users.

The day starts off with back-to-back keynotes that examine different aspects of the … Read More

U2U: Things You Might Not Know About TSMC

U2U: Things You Might Not Know About TSMC
by Paul McLellan on 04-10-2014 at 10:50 pm

At Mentor’s U2U this afternoon I attended a presentation on TSMC’s use of Calibre PERC (it is a programmable electrical rule checker) for qualification of IP in TSMC’s IP9000 program. I’ve written about this before here. Basically IP providers at N20SOC, N16FF, and below are required to use PERC to guarantee… Read More

Mentor U2U Is On April 10th

Mentor U2U Is On April 10th
by Paul McLellan on 03-17-2014 at 7:19 pm

If you are a Mentor user, U2U, the Mentor User group is coming up on April 10th. This is an all day event at the DoubleTree. The event is free. Registration starts at 8am and the agenda itself starts at 9am. There is a reception from 5-6pm in the evening.

There are three keynotes. At 9am: Wally Rhines, CEO of Mentor. The Big Squeeze. For … Read More

Mentor U2U, Not Your Father’s User Conference

Mentor U2U, Not Your Father’s User Conference
by Paul McLellan on 04-10-2013 at 6:00 pm

I talked to Michael Buehler-Garcia about the changes Mentor is making to U2U, their user conference. It is in San Jose on April 25th at the DoubleTree.

Firstly, there are 3 great keynotes, two of whom I’ve seen speak before and can unreservedly recommend. Unfortunately I’m traveling that week and won’t be able… Read More

Wally Rhines, Victor Peng and Chenming Hu to Speak at Mentor User2User Conference

Wally Rhines, Victor Peng and Chenming Hu to Speak at Mentor User2User Conference
by glforte on 03-20-2013 at 10:29 am

This year’s Mentor Graphics user group meeting, User2User, will be held at the DoubleTree by Hilton in San Jose, California on April 25, 2013. The featured keynote presenters include…

  • Dr. Walden C. Rhines, CEO and Chairman of Mentor Graphics, talking about “Organizing by Design”
  • Victor Peng, Senior VP, Xilinx presenting on “The
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Doing what others don’t do

Doing what others don’t do
by Paul McLellan on 04-12-2012 at 2:56 pm

Wally Rhines’ keynote at U2U, the Mentor users’ group meeting, was about Mentor’s strategy of focusing on what other people don’t do. This is partially a defensive approach, since Mentor has never had the financial firepower to have the luxury of focusing all their development on sustaining their products and then make … Read More