The China Syndrome- The Meltdown Starts- Trump Trounces Taiwan- Chips Clipped

The China Syndrome- The Meltdown Starts- Trump Trounces Taiwan- Chips Clipped
by Robert Maire on 07-18-2024 at 8:00 am

China Syndrome
  • The chip industry got a double tap of both China & Taiwan concerns
  • Bloomberg reported the potential for draconian China chip restrictions
  • Trump threw Taiwan under the bus demanding “protection money”
  • Over-inflated chip stocks had a “rapid unscheduled disassembly”
US looking to further restrict
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Verisium SimAI: Coverage Gaps Meet Their Match

Verisium SimAI: Coverage Gaps Meet Their Match
by Admin on 04-15-2024 at 3:11 pm

Every project has some areas that seem impossible to cover. Various factors can cause these nearly impossible-to-hit coverage gaps, including technical complexity, lack of resources, and shifting requirements. In constrained random environments, simply running more random seeds may not always address these coverage gaps… Read More

Intel should be the Free World’s Plan A Not Plan B, and we need the US Government to step in

Intel should be the Free World’s Plan A Not Plan B, and we need the US Government to step in
by Chris Krueger on 02-19-2024 at 6:00 am

TSMC Intel

There are trillions of dollars at stake with AI and huge geopolitical consequences. However, the weak foundation to American technological power is their dependence on Taiwan and TSMC, which is where most advanced silicon is manufactured. America has also been taking China to the ropes lately in their economic/technology proxy… Read More

How Philips Saved TSMC

How Philips Saved TSMC
by Daniel Nenni on 08-21-2023 at 6:00 am

TSMC Philips

TSMC and Philips have deep historical ties. In fact, TSMC may not have existed without Philips. In the 1980s TSMC was established as a joint venture with Philips Electronics, the government of Taiwan, and other private investors. Several semiconductor companies were approached by Morris Chang for funding including semiconductor… Read More

Semiconductor China Syndrome Meltdown and Mayhem

Semiconductor China Syndrome Meltdown and Mayhem
by Robert Maire on 10-13-2022 at 6:00 am

The China Syndrome

-Commerce Dept drops a 100 page nuke on the Semi industry
-Many words but not a lot of clarity on exact impact
-Implementation & interpretation will be key to quantify impact
-It’s all bad, just a question of how bad

China is the industry’s biggest customer

We all know that China uses most of the world’s semiconductors… Read More

The Evolution of Taiwan’s Silicon Shield

The Evolution of Taiwan’s Silicon Shield
by Craig Addison on 06-25-2022 at 6:00 am

Silicon Shield 2025 Poster A4 size

The original Silicon Shield theory, as described in my 2001 book, stated that Taiwan’s role as producer of 90 per cent of the world’s IT products (at that time) protected it from an attack by China because the United States, acting in its own self interest, would come to the island’s defense. A similar scenario – involving oil,… Read More

The Chip Market / China Conundrum

The Chip Market / China Conundrum
by Malcolm Penn on 02-28-2021 at 2:00 pm

China Taiwan Chip Dilema

In its February 20, 2021 edition, the Economist published an article entitled “How to kill a democracy; China faces fateful choices, especially involving Taiwan”.  It went on to quote “To many Chinese, the island’s conquest is a sacred national mission” as well as a by-line “America is losing its ability to deter a Chinese attack… Read More