Electronics Turns Positive

Electronics Turns Positive
by Bill Jewell on 04-24-2024 at 4:00 pm

Semiconductor Intelligence 1

Unit shipments of both PCs and smartphones versus a year ago have turned positive. According to IDC, PC shipments in 1Q 2024 were up 1.5% from 1Q 2023, the first positive year-to-year change since 4Q 2021. Smartphone year-to-year growth turned positive in 4Q 2023 at 8.5%. The growth continued in 1Q 2024 at 7.8%. 4Q 2023 was the first… Read More

Not all Smartphones are Created Equal

Not all Smartphones are Created Equal
by Lara Chamness on 04-22-2024 at 10:00 am

TechnInsights Semiconductor Sustainability

TechInsights recognizes Earth Day 2024 by lifting the screen on smartphone semiconductor sustainability

Smartphones are typically compared based on screen size, processor speed, and camera resolution. But when TechInsights looked at carbon footprints for manufacturing just the semiconductors of three flagship phones,… Read More

ReRAM Integration in BCD Process Revolutionizes Power Management Semiconductor Design

ReRAM Integration in BCD Process Revolutionizes Power Management Semiconductor Design
by Kalar Rajendiran on 12-20-2023 at 10:00 am

Power Analog ICs Adopting ReRAM

Weebit Nano, a leading developer of advanced memory technologies, recently announced a significant collaboration with DB HiTek, one of the top ten foundries of the world. The collaboration is designed to enable integration of Weebit’s Resistive Random-Access Memory (ReRAM) into DB HiTek’s 130nm Bipolar-CMOS-DMOS… Read More

Can it ever be game over in tech?

Can it ever be game over in tech?
by Don Dingee on 09-12-2016 at 4:00 pm

The opening line of a recent Benedict Evans piece makes a bold statement: “The smartphone platform wars are pretty much over, and Apple and Google won.” Reading that line reminded me of the William Shatner scene in Airplane 2; let’s just shut it down and go home. That’s not the point Evans is making, however, … Read More

Free Webinar: Designing Low-Power IoT Systems

Free Webinar: Designing Low-Power IoT Systems
by Daniel Nenni on 06-05-2016 at 7:00 am

As I have written before, IoT looks to be a key driver for design starts and future semiconductor revenue growth which is why we wrote “PROTOTYPICAL” and included a field guide to FPGA Prototyping. If you want to get funding for your new IoT chip project, having a working prototype is a good thing, absolutely. If you want to take a look… Read More

Wearables Mean Continuous Growth in the Internet of Things Ecosystem

Wearables Mean Continuous Growth in the Internet of Things Ecosystem
by Bill McCabe on 04-13-2016 at 12:00 pm

The Internet of Things encompasses a wide range of connected services, technologies, and hardware devices. Yet, for consumers, it is the growing number of portable and wearable devices that will be their main interface with IOT tech. The wearable device market is rapidly evolving, especially when it comes to smart watches and… Read More

You can see it if you look SXSW

You can see it if you look SXSW
by Don Dingee on 03-16-2016 at 4:00 pm

Watching worlds of mobility, entertainment, and social media collide and helping customers navigate through this new technological landscape has been my passion for the last few years since I founded Left2MyOwnDevices. As a new arrival in Texas, I had my first chance to see just how big the convergence is at the premier event in… Read More

Do 8 Cores Really Matter in Smartphones?

Do 8 Cores Really Matter in Smartphones?
by Amit Sharma on 10-27-2015 at 4:00 pm

As the smartphone industry has begun to mature, one-upmanship among smartphone manufacturers and SoC vendors has bred a dangerous trend: ever-increasing processor core counts and the association between increased CPU core count and greater performance. This association originated as SoC vendors and OEMs have tried to find… Read More

Where have all the semiconductor drivers gone?

Where have all the semiconductor drivers gone?
by Bill Jewell on 11-24-2014 at 11:30 pm

Tablets and smartphones have been key drivers of electronics and semiconductor growth for the last few years. However the growth rates for these devices are slowing as they have become more prevalent. Tablet shipments are expected to reach 229 million units in 2014, according to Gartner, equal to 73% of PC units. IDC projects smartphones… Read More

I’ll be with you in a second

I’ll be with you in a second
by Don Dingee on 06-27-2014 at 3:00 pm

One aspect of always-on is power conservation, being able to respond to events without having a device constantly in full-power mode. This month, the announcement of the Amazon Fire Phone and details revealed about the Google Android Wear SDK suggest another important dimension: the competitive advantage of rapid, frictionless… Read More