Who will Win in the Chiplet War?

Who will Win in the Chiplet War?
by Daniel Nenni on 01-16-2023 at 6:00 am

Chiplet APEC

The first Chiplet specific conference is coming up which is a milestone in itself. As we know the only thing new about chiplets is the name but when there is a dedicated conference to such a specific thing you know it has officially “arrived”. There is even a cool new tagline: Chiplets make huge chips happen!

“The First Annual Chiplet… Read More

2023: Welcome to the Danger Zone

2023: Welcome to the Danger Zone
by Daniel Nenni on 11-18-2022 at 6:00 am

Silicon Catalyst Danger Zone Ad

I just got this notice from my good friend and fellow sailor Rich Curtin. The Silicon Catalyst events are the best open networking events in Silicon Valley, absolutely. And this one includes another good friend Wally Rhines, the most interesting man in semiconductors, so you don’t want to miss this. The live event will definitely… Read More

CEO Interview: Vaysh Kewada of Salience Labs

CEO Interview: Vaysh Kewada of Salience Labs
by Daniel Nenni on 05-20-2022 at 6:00 am

Salience Vaysh Kewada

Vaysh Kewada is cofounder and CEO at Salience Labs, a company developing an ultra high-speed multi-chip processor that packages a photonics chip together with standard electronics to enable exascale AI. Salience is funded by Oxford Sciences Enterprise, Cambridge Innovation Capital, Arm-backed Deeptech Labs, former Dialog… Read More

Silicon Startups, Arm Yourself and Catalyze Your Success…. Spotlight: Semiconductor Conferences

Silicon Startups, Arm Yourself and Catalyze Your Success…. Spotlight: Semiconductor Conferences
by Kalar Rajendiran on 10-17-2021 at 10:00 am

Live Panel

The arrival of fall seems to typically raise the number of conferences hosted by semiconductor ecosystem companies. The conferences may go by different names. But whether called a forum, summit, conference, or by some other creative name, the purpose is the same. It is to bring together technologists and business people together… Read More

WEBINAR: Maximizing Exit Valuations for Technology Companies

WEBINAR: Maximizing Exit Valuations for Technology Companies
by Daniel Nenni on 07-21-2021 at 10:00 am

Silicon Catalyst Exit Webinar

I had the opportunity to speak with Pete Rodriguez and Alain Labat in regards to the upcoming webinar on M&A. I have worked with both Pete and Alain in the past so I can tell you personally that this event will be well worth your time. This is truly an all star cast with a collective experience base with billions of dollars worth of … Read More

CEO Interview: Pete Rodriguez of Silicon Catalyst

CEO Interview: Pete Rodriguez of Silicon Catalyst
by Daniel Nenni on 07-16-2021 at 6:00 am

Pete Rodriguez Silicon Catalyst

Pete Rodriguez has over 35 years of experience in the Semiconductor industry. Pete is currently CEO of Silicon Catalyst and on the board of Hysai, advisory board of Harvest Management Partners and an observer on the boards of Mentium Technologies, Espre Technologies and Owl AI. Pete was formerly VP & GM of Interface and Power… Read More

Silicon Catalyst’s Semi Industry Forum – All-Star Cast Didn’t Disappoint

Silicon Catalyst’s Semi Industry Forum – All-Star Cast Didn’t Disappoint
by Mike Gianfagna on 12-18-2020 at 10:00 am

Silicon Catalysts Semi Industry Forum – All Star Cast Didnt Disappoint

A few weeks ago I wrote about an upcoming event Silicon Catalyst was hosting, the Semiconductor Industry Forum – A View to the Future. I mentioned a high-profile group of presenters: Don Clark, Contributing Journalist, New York Times as moderator;  Mark Edelstone, Chairman of Global Semiconductor Investment Banking, Morgan… Read More

Silicon Catalyst Announces a New Startup Ecosystem for MEMS Led by Industry Veteran Paul Pickering and supported by STMicroelectronics

Silicon Catalyst Announces a New Startup Ecosystem for MEMS Led by Industry Veteran Paul Pickering and supported by STMicroelectronics
by Mike Gianfagna on 06-12-2020 at 10:00 am

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A little over a month ago, I wrote about the substantial support that Silicon Catalyst and Arm were providing for chip startups. There have been many incubators for technology companies over the years. These organizations typically provide office space, some basic infrastructure, advisory help and sometimes access to seed … Read More

Starting a Chip Company? Silicon Catalyst and Arm Are Ready to Help

Starting a Chip Company? Silicon Catalyst and Arm Are Ready to Help
by Mike Gianfagna on 04-29-2020 at 6:00 am

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Anyone who has started a company knows that landing the seed round of investment is just the beginning. There are many decisions to face.  When to start building a sales team?  What parts of the company’s infrastructure to outsource? How to price and promote your product? These are just a few of the questions to be answered. If your… Read More

Learning on the Edge Investment Thesis

Learning on the Edge Investment Thesis
by Jim Hogan on 05-20-2019 at 5:00 am

It is said that it will cost as much as $600M to develop a 5nm chip. At that price, only a few companies can afford to play, and with that amount of cash in, innovation is severely limited.

At the same time, there is a stampede in the artificial intelligence (AI) market where around 60 startups have appeared, many of which have already … Read More