Effective Writing and ChatGPT. The SEMI Test

Effective Writing and ChatGPT. The SEMI Test
by Bernard Murphy on 01-25-2023 at 6:00 am

Writing and ChatGPT min

ChatGPT is a hot topic, leading a few of my colleagues to ask me as a writer what I think of the technology.  I write content for tech companies and most of my contacts freely confess that they or more often their experts struggle with writing. If a tool could do that job for them they would be happy and I would have to find a different hobby.… Read More

Podcast EP139: The Third Quarter ESDA Market Data Report with Dr. Walden Rhines

Podcast EP139: The Third Quarter ESDA Market Data Report with Dr. Walden Rhines
by Daniel Nenni on 01-23-2023 at 8:00 am

Dan discusses the recent Q3 2022 ESDA report with Wally Rhines, Executive Sponsor of the SEMI Electronic Design Market Data report. While not tracking the record-breaking growth that has been seen over the past few quarters, growth is generally quite strong across the world. Dan explores the numbers with Wally, including some… Read More

Podcast EP70: A Review of EDA and IP Growth For 2021 with Dr. Walden Rhines

Podcast EP70: A Review of EDA and IP Growth For 2021 with Dr. Walden Rhines
by Daniel Nenni on 04-08-2022 at 10:00 am

Dan is joined by Dr. Walden Rhines in his capacity as Executive Sponsor for the SEMI Electronic Design Market Data Report. Wally provides an overview of the most recent report covering all of 2021. Spoiler alert: it was a record-breaking year in many areas.

Dan and Wally explore the details behind the numbers and what it may mean for… Read More

 Semiconductor CapEx strong in 2021

 Semiconductor CapEx strong in 2021
by Bill Jewell on 06-23-2021 at 10:00 am

Semiconductor CAPEX spending versus change 2021

Semiconductor manufacturers are expanding capital spending in 2021 and beyond to help alleviate shortages. In addition, many governments around the world are proposing funding to support semiconductor manufacturing in their countries.

The United States Senate this month approved a bill which includes $52 billion to fund… Read More

A Thoughtful Semiconductor Outlook – Needed Now More Than Ever

A Thoughtful Semiconductor Outlook – Needed Now More Than Ever
by Mike Gianfagna on 05-20-2020 at 2:00 pm

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If you’re not dizzy from all the changing market projections lately, you soon will be. At times like this, I believe it’s important to keep perspective and look beyond the next 24-hour news cycle to try and understand what the future holds. I’m happy to report there’s a great event coming up in June that will do just that.

The Silicon… Read More

Collaboration Flow for Moore’s Law versus More than Moore

Collaboration Flow for Moore’s Law versus More than Moore
by Herb Reiter on 05-20-2020 at 10:00 am

Figure 1 Foundry

The current Coronavirus crisis is inflicting a lot of pain on people, companies, and governments. I hope I am not getting in trouble with my reasoning, but if you look closely, there are also some “positives” to the Covid-19 crisis.

– It is stress-testing our infrastructure and telling us where we need to improve – as country,… Read More

The Tech Week that was December 16-20 2019

The Tech Week that was December 16-20 2019
by Mark Dyson on 12-22-2019 at 6:00 am

As we approach the end of 2019 I wish everybody a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. This will be my last update for a few weeks as I will also take a little break over the holiday season.

Despite a lot of people winding down for the year, there was still lots of interesting news from last week with lots of data points pointing to an even

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The ESD Alliance Honors Mary Jane Irwin

The ESD Alliance Honors Mary Jane Irwin
by Randy Smith on 12-10-2019 at 10:00 am

The Phil Kaufman Award has been given annually since 1994 to individuals who have had a significant impact on Electronic System Design. I have attended several of the award dinners during that time. Most of the time (roughly 70%), the award recipients were either people I knew or people whose textbooks I had read. The award goes to… Read More

As 2019 comes to an end everyone is starting to look at what 2020 holds

As 2019 comes to an end everyone is starting to look at what 2020 holds
by Mark Dyson on 12-09-2019 at 10:00 am

At the moment there are many encouraging signs based on the latest data. Let’s hope this trend continues into 2002 and 2020 is the year of recovery of the semiconductor market. However much depends on how the US China trade war pans out. Last week Trump blew hot and cold saying everything from the negotiations were going very well to… Read More

The ESD Alliance Welcomes You to an Evening with Jim Hogan and Paul Cunningham

The ESD Alliance Welcomes You to an Evening with Jim Hogan and Paul Cunningham
by Bob Smith on 04-05-2019 at 7:00 am

An informal “Fireside Chat” like no other featuring Jim Hogan, managing partner of Vista Ventures, LLC., and Paul Cunningham, Cadence’s corporate vice president and general manager of the system verification group, is in the works for Wednesday, April 10.

Hosted by the ESD Alliance, a SEMI Strategic Association Partner, at … Read More