Webinar: Questa RDC Assist – Improving designer productivity and enabling faster RDC verification closure with machine learning

Webinar: Questa RDC Assist – Improving designer productivity and enabling faster RDC verification closure with machine learning
by Admin on 05-10-2024 at 2:41 pm

In 2021 Siemens EDA released CDC Assist.  CDC Assist is an ML powered feature that empowers users to configure, debug, and close CDC on designs more rapidly. Following the success of CDC Assist, Siemens introduced RDC Assist in 2023.

Using the same ML technology in CDC Assist, RDC Assist dramatically improves the time and effort

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Handling metastability during Clock Domain Crossing (CDC)

Handling metastability during Clock Domain Crossing (CDC)
by Daniel Payne on 11-22-2023 at 10:00 am

synchronizer min

SoC designs frequently have lots of different clock domains to help manage power more efficiently, however one side effect is that when the clock domains meet, i.e., in a Clock Domain Crossing (CDC), there’s the possibility of setup and hold time violations that can cause a flip-flop to become metastable. Synchronizer … Read More

Achieving Faster Design Verification Closure

Achieving Faster Design Verification Closure
by Daniel Payne on 02-01-2023 at 10:00 am

Questa Verification IQ min

On big chip design projects the logic verification effort can be larger than the design effort, taking up to 70% of the project time based on data from the 2022 Wilson Research Group findings. Sadly, the first silicon success rate has gone downwards from 31 percent to just 24 percent in the past 8 years, causing another spin to correct… Read More

New Mixed-Signal Simulation Features from Siemens EDA at DAC

New Mixed-Signal Simulation Features from Siemens EDA at DAC
by Daniel Payne on 07-13-2022 at 10:00 am

Symphony Pro for mixed-signal verification

It’s the second day of DAC, and the announcements are coming in at a fast pace, so stay tuned to SemiWiki for all of the latest details. As a long-time SPICE user and industry follower, I’ve witnessed the progression as EDA vendors have connected their SPICE simulators to digital simulators, opening up a bigger world… Read More

Faster Time to RTL Simulation Using Incremental Build Flows

Faster Time to RTL Simulation Using Incremental Build Flows
by Daniel Payne on 01-31-2022 at 10:00 am

lump sum build min

I’ve been following Neil Johnson on Twitter and LinkedIn for several years now, as he has written and shared so much about the IC design and verification process, both as a consultant and working at EDA vendors. His recent white paper for Siemens EDA caught my eye, so I took the time to read through the 10 page document to learn… Read More

DAC 2021 – Siemens EDA talks about using the Cloud

DAC 2021 – Siemens EDA talks about using the Cloud
by Daniel Payne on 12-21-2021 at 10:00 am

Craig Johnson

My third event at DAC on Monday was all about using EDA tools in the Cloud, and so I listened to Craig Johnson, VP EDA Cloud Solutions, Siemens EDA. Early in the day I heard from Joe Sawicki, Siemens EDA, on the topic of Digitalization.

Why even use the Cloud for EDA? That’s a fair question to ask, and Craig had several high-level… Read More

AMS IC Designers need Full Tool Flows

AMS IC Designers need Full Tool Flows
by Daniel Payne on 08-31-2021 at 10:00 am

AMS tool flow min

Digital IC design gets a lot of attention, because all of our modern devices primarily use digital logic, but in reality whenever you have a sensor like a camera,  accelerometer, gyroscope or any radio like Bluetooth, WiFi or NFC, then you’re really in the realm of analog, and that’s where mixed-signal  IC design comes… Read More

Probing UPF Dynamic Objects

Probing UPF Dynamic Objects
by Tom Simon on 01-28-2021 at 6:00 am

Probing UPF Dynamic Objects

UPF was created to go beyond what HDL can do for managing on-chip power. HDLs are agnostic when it comes to dealing with supply & ground connections, power domains, level shifters, retention and other power management related elements of SoCs. UPF fills the breach allowing designers to specify in detail what parts of the design… Read More

Verification IP proves essential for PCIe GEN5

Verification IP proves essential for PCIe GEN5
by Tom Simon on 12-08-2020 at 6:00 am

PCIe Verification IP

PCI Express (PCIe) has become an important communication element in a wide range of systems. It is used to connect networking, storage, FPGA and GPGPU boards to servers and desktop systems. It has progressed a long way from its initial parallel bus format. Its evolution to a serial point to point configuration has been accompanied… Read More

Mentor at DVCON 2020!

Mentor at DVCON 2020!
by Daniel Nenni on 02-17-2020 at 6:00 am

DVCon 2020 SemiWiki

Are you ready for the premier conference for functional design and verification of electronic systems?

Sponsored by Accellera Systems Initiative, DVCon is an independent, not-for-profit organization dedicated to creating design and verification standards required by systems, semiconductor, intellectual property (IP)… Read More