US giant swoops for British chipmaker months after Chinese sale blocked on national security grounds

US giant swoops for British chipmaker months after Chinese sale blocked on national security grounds
by Daniel Nenni on 05-21-2023 at 6:00 pm

UK US CHina Semiconductor Battle

According to UK based The Telegraph Pulsic is a chip maker and Cadence is a swooping US giant.  I guess you have to stretch the truth to get those precious clicks these days. Even so this is a strategic acquisition for Cadence.

Pulsic is a 20+ year old EDA software company that offers chip planning and implementation software for custom… Read More

Podcast EP151: How Pulsic Automates Analog Layout for Free with Mark Williams

Podcast EP151: How Pulsic Automates Analog Layout for Free with Mark Williams
by Daniel Nenni on 04-07-2023 at 10:00 am

Dan is joined by Mark Williams. Mark is a Founder and Chief Executive Officer at Pulsic. He has over 30 years of experience in the EDA industry and was one of the team that pioneered shape-based routing technology in the 1980s while working at Zuken-Redac.

Mark explains the unique “freemium” model for automating analog… Read More

Balancing Analog Layout Parasitics in MOSFET Differential Pairs

Balancing Analog Layout Parasitics in MOSFET Differential Pairs
by Daniel Nenni on 10-18-2022 at 6:00 am

Teardrop Display
This article is an abstract of Paul Clewes’ webinar you can find here.

Differential amplifiers apply gain not to one input signal but to the difference between two input signals. This means that a differential amplifier naturally eliminates noise or interference that is present in both input signals. Differential amplification… Read More

Obtaining Early Analog Block Area Estimates

Obtaining Early Analog Block Area Estimates
by Tom Simon on 07-13-2021 at 6:00 am

Animate Preview Area Estimation

I’ve written before about Pulsic’s Animate Preview software, which is extremely helpful in completing placement in analog blocks so that they are ready for routing. Analog design automation has always been a tough proposition, but Animate Preview looks like a promising tool, with practical benefits. Obtaining DRC clean placement… Read More

Podcast EP21: Leading Edge Analog Design

Podcast EP21: Leading Edge Analog Design
by Daniel Nenni on 05-21-2021 at 10:00 am

Dan is joined by Mark Williams, founder and CEO of Pulsic. The application of shape-based routing to automate analog design is explored. Pulsic’s revolutionary new automated analog layout system, Animate is also discussed. With this system, multiple, high quality, fully routed layouts can be created in minutes from … Read More

WEBINAR: Pulsic’s Animate Makes Automated Analog Layout a Reality

WEBINAR: Pulsic’s Animate Makes Automated Analog Layout a Reality
by Tom Simon on 03-30-2021 at 10:00 am

Pulsic Webinar

Many years ago, digital and analog design flows diverged, with digital design benefiting from increasing levels of automation and more importantly separation between the front-end design process and the back-end design process. While digital design still requires linkages between the front and back end, they are well defined… Read More

CEO Interview: Mark Williams of Pulsic

CEO Interview: Mark Williams of Pulsic
by Daniel Nenni on 02-19-2021 at 6:00 am

mark williams final 2

Pulsic recently announced its new “freemium” product Animate Preview and we had the chance to chat with Mark Williams, President and CEO of Pulsic.  Mark explained details of  the product and the new business model that could change the direction of the traditional EDA business model structure.

What brought you to the semiconductorRead More

An Analog IC Router

An Analog IC Router
by Daniel Payne on 03-29-2013 at 8:10 pm

Earlier this week I wrote about a Goliath in EDA, Synopsys, and their new analog router, today it’s the David in EDA, Pulsic and their Unity Analog Router. I spoke with several people from Pulsic by phone:

  • Christopher Jost – San Jose
  • Dave Noble – San Jose
  • Fumiaki Sato – Tokyo, Japan
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Shape-based IC Routing at DAC

Shape-based IC Routing at DAC
by Daniel Payne on 06-19-2012 at 8:05 pm

IC place and route is a big challenge so we see many EDA companies creating tools. On Tuesday at DAC I met with Dave Noble of Pulsic to get an update.


Dave Noble, VP Operations (EDA since 2003), Sperry Univac since 1974
– had been an EDA distributor for Pulsic as well

More leads qualified on Monday than all days of last year … Read More

After Planning Comes Implementation for Pulsic

After Planning Comes Implementation for Pulsic
by Paul McLellan on 05-24-2012 at 7:00 am

Automation for digital design has been mainstream for a couple of decades but place and route for analog is still in its infancy. Many attempts have been made over the years to automate analog design in one way and another, the bodies are piled up on the hillside. Much analog design is still largely done with custom layout and circuit… Read More