Ultra-efficient heterogeneous SoCs for Level 5 self-driving

Ultra-efficient heterogeneous SoCs for Level 5 self-driving
by Don Dingee on 09-14-2022 at 6:00 am

Ultra-efficient heterogeneous SoCs target the AI processing pipeline for Level 5 self-driving

The latest advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) like Mercedes’ Drive Pilot and Tesla’s FSD perform SAE Level 3 self-driving, with the driver ready to take back control if the vehicle calls for it. Reaching Level 5 – full, unconditional autonomy – means facing a new class of challenges unsolvable with existing technology… Read More

Enhancing RISC-V Vector Extensions to Accelerate Performance on ML Workloads

Enhancing RISC-V Vector Extensions to Accelerate Performance on ML Workloads
by Kalar Rajendiran on 05-17-2021 at 10:00 am

SuperCharge ML Performance

During the week of April 19th, Linley Group held its Spring Processor Conference 2021. The Linley Group has a reputation for convening excellent conferences. And this year’s spring conference was no exception. There were a number of very informative talks from various companies updating the audience on the latest research and… Read More

Using eFPGA to Dynamically Adapt to Changing Workloads

Using eFPGA to Dynamically Adapt to Changing Workloads
by Kalar Rajendiran on 04-22-2021 at 10:00 am

Dynamic Reconfig Not New Why Now FlexLogix

In early April, Gabriele Saucier kicked off Design & Reuse’s IPSoC Silicon Valley 2021 Conference. IPSoC conference as the name suggests is dedicated to semiconductor intellectual property (IP) and IP-based electronic systems. There were a number of excellent presentations at the conference. The presentations had been… Read More