OCF shows there may be hope for IoT consortia yet

OCF shows there may be hope for IoT consortia yet
by Don Dingee on 03-02-2016 at 4:00 pm

The recent launch of the Open Connectivity Foundation (OCF) was met first with a wave of “oh good, another IoT consortium”, then “phew, it’s just a rebrand of the OIC”, followed by a bit of confusion over why a few AllSeen Alliance players and some other names jumped in. Is it just a marketing ploy, or is there more to this?… Read More

Intel reaches for all-new experience at CES2016

Intel reaches for all-new experience at CES2016
by Don Dingee on 01-06-2016 at 1:30 pm

When Gary Shapiro introduced Brian Krzanich for Intel’s keynote at #CES2016, he just possibly may have been the last person to say “Moore’s Law” outside of a museum ever again. Krzanich was about to take Intel into new territory, where “Copy Exactly” and tick-tock also don’t matter.… Read More

It’s Always Good If the Customer Is Arguing

It’s Always Good If the Customer Is Arguing
by Paul McLellan on 07-04-2014 at 2:41 am

I’ve never been in sales. Never “carried a bag”. But I have run sales forces and I have spent a lot of time in marketing, guiding sales forces. Well, herding cats comes to mind, but cats don’t have commission plans. Engineers say sales people are emotional, and ego-driven, but change their commission plans… Read More

Phil Bishop and marketing at Magma

Phil Bishop and marketing at Magma
by Paul McLellan on 09-15-2011 at 4:59 pm

Earlier in the week I met with Phil Bishop, who is the corporate VP of worldwide marketing at Magma.

I started by asking him where he came from. He originally started as a designer at Motorola in microprocessors and microcontrollers. Then he moved to Silicon Compiler Systems (remember them?) who ended up being acquired by Mentor.… Read More