SpyGlass Gets its VC

SpyGlass Gets its VC
by Bernard Murphy on 03-26-2020 at 6:00 am

VC SpyGlass Lint

It’s a matter of pride to me and many others from Atrenta days that the brand we built in SpyGlass has been so enduring. It seems that pretty much anyone who thinks of static RTL checking thinks SpyGlass. Even after Synopsys acquired Atrenta, they kept the name as-is, I’m sure because the brand recognition was so valuable.

Even good… Read More

Up front phases improve CDC analysis

Up front phases improve CDC analysis
by Don Dingee on 09-19-2016 at 4:00 pm

Many tools find clock domain crossings (CDCs) in FPGA designs. Some don’t find the right ones since they don’t comprehend things like in-house synchronizer constructs. Some find too many based on misunderstanding intent, inaccurate constraints, and other factors that lead to noise.… Read More

Blue Pearl adds RTL project transparency at #53DAC

Blue Pearl adds RTL project transparency at #53DAC
by Don Dingee on 06-03-2016 at 4:00 pm

You’re an RTL pro. You know what’s inside your code, and how many bugs you’ve tracked down and exterminated along the development path, and how much work remains. So, why did the meeting notice that just popped up asking for a monthly management project review presentation ruin your day?… Read More

Aldec extends FPGA and ASIC flows at DAC

Aldec extends FPGA and ASIC flows at DAC
by Don Dingee on 05-20-2016 at 4:00 pm

Aldec tools and services have long been associated with FPGA designs. As FPGAs have evolved toward more RTL-based designs, the similarities between a modern FPGA verification flow and an ASIC verification flow often leave them looking virtually the same. … Read More

Tcl scripts and managing messages in ASIC & FPGA debug

Tcl scripts and managing messages in ASIC & FPGA debug
by Don Dingee on 04-27-2016 at 4:00 pm

Our previous Blue Pearl post looked at the breadth of contextual visualization capability in the GUI to speed up debug. Two other important aspects of the ASIC & FPGA pre-synthesis workflow are automating analysis with scripts and managing the stream of messages produced. Let’s look at these aspects… Read More

Cross-viewing improves ASIC & FPGA debug efficiency

Cross-viewing improves ASIC & FPGA debug efficiency
by Don Dingee on 04-20-2016 at 4:00 pm

We introduced the philosophy behind the Blue Pearl Software suite of tools for front-end analysis of ASIC & FPGA designs in a recent post. As we said in that discussion, effective automation helps find and remedy issues as each re-synthesis potentially turns up new defects. Why do Blue Pearl users say their tool suite is easier… Read More