Location Indoors: Bluetooth 5.1 Advances Accuracy

Location Indoors: Bluetooth 5.1 Advances Accuracy
by Bernard Murphy on 07-18-2019 at 5:00 am

OK, so you’re in a giant mall, you want to find a store that sells gloves and you want to know how to get there. Or you’re in a supermarket and you need some obscure item, say capers, that doesn’t really fall under any of the main headings they post over the aisles. If you’re like most of us, certainly like me, this can be a frustrating experience.… Read More

Semiconductor Strategy – From Productivity to Profitability

Semiconductor Strategy – From Productivity to Profitability
by Pawan Fangaria on 03-08-2014 at 8:30 am

The semiconductor industry seems to be the most challenged in terms of cost of error; a delay of 3 months in product development cycle can reduce revenue by about 27% and that of 6 months can reduce it by almost half; competition is rife, pushing the products to next generation (with more functionality, low power, high performance,… Read More