Dr. Walden Rhines Vision on Semiconductor & India

Dr. Walden Rhines Vision on Semiconductor & India
by Pawan Fangaria on 03-04-2014 at 11:00 am

Last month India Electronics & Semiconductor Association (IESA) held its Vision Summit at Bangalore in which luminaries from across the semiconductor and electronics industry presented their views about the future of this industry and India’s progress. Dr. Walden C. Rhines, Chairman and CEO of Mentor Graphicspresented… Read More

TI’s Way of Strategies – Formation & Execution

TI’s Way of Strategies – Formation & Execution
by Pawan Fangaria on 02-26-2014 at 8:30 am

For a company to stand still and continually prosper even after facing several downturns in its career of 80+ years, and still move swiftly with strong commitment and confidence, its strategy has to be right and rock solid possessing sustainable competitive advantage, and of course it has to be an early mover in everything it does… Read More

More things on the DSP frontier at MWC14

More things on the DSP frontier at MWC14
by Don Dingee on 02-23-2014 at 12:00 pm

With a well-chronicled share inside cellular baseband interfaces for mobile devices, one might think that is the entire CEVA story, especially going into Mobile World Congress 2014 this week. MWC is still a phone show, but is becoming more and more about the Internet of Things and wearables, and CEVA and its ecosystem are showing… Read More

Is Smartphone Market Maturing?

Is Smartphone Market Maturing?
by Pawan Fangaria on 02-17-2014 at 12:00 pm

Yes and No, in my view. Yes to a certain extent, considering that most of the people in developed world have more than one (may be with dual sim card) phone; and No, considering the vast untapped market in the third world countries of Asia and Africa. In India, although much of the population (who can afford a phone) has phone, but not … Read More

Intel Quark awakening from stasis on a yet-to-be-named planet

Intel Quark awakening from stasis on a yet-to-be-named planet
by Don Dingee on 02-05-2014 at 3:00 pm

We know the science fiction plot device from its numerous uses: in order to survive a journey of bazillions of miles across galaxies into the unknown future, astronauts are placed into cryogenic stasis. Literally frozen in time, the idea is they exit a lengthy suspension without aging, ready to go to work immediately on revival … Read More

Curved touchscreens

Curved touchscreens
by Don Dingee on 01-10-2014 at 5:00 pm

CES 2014 was the modern technology equivalent of the voyage of Ferdinand Magellan, proving beyond any shadow of doubt displays no longer can be thought of as only flat. While the massive curved 105-inch TVs shown by LG and Samsung drew many gawkers, the implications of curved touch displays are even wider.… Read More

Meeting the Challenges of Designing Internet of Things SoCs with the Right Design Flow and IP

Meeting the Challenges of Designing Internet of Things SoCs with the Right Design Flow and IP
by Daniel Nenni on 11-18-2013 at 7:00 pm

Connecting “things” to the Internet and enabling sensing and remote control, data gathering, transmission, and analysis improves many areas: safety and quality of life, healthcare, manufacturing and service delivery, energy efficiency, and the environment. The concept of the Internet of Things (IoT) is quickly becoming… Read More

Can Intel Compete in the IoT?

Can Intel Compete in the IoT?
by Daniel Nenni on 11-05-2013 at 5:00 pm

Kevin Ashton, a British technology pioneer, is credited for the term “The Internet of Things” to describe an ecosystem where the Internet is connected to the physical world via ubiquitous sensors. Simply stated: rather than humans creating content for the internet IoT devices create the content. To be clear, this… Read More

ARM and the Internet of Things

ARM and the Internet of Things
by Paul McLellan on 10-31-2013 at 6:00 pm

I was at ARM TechCon earlier this week, and attended Simon Segars (the CEO of ARM for the last 4 months) keynote speech that opened the second day. A theme of his speech was that just as innovation continues to happen in so-called mature industries like automobiles, the same will happen in mobile. One particular area of focus for ARM… Read More

Cadence’s Mixed-Signal Technology Summit

Cadence’s Mixed-Signal Technology Summit
by Randy Smith on 10-28-2013 at 1:45 am

On October 10, I attended another Cadence Summit, this one titled the Cadence Mixed-Signal Technology Summit. Recently, I had written about the Cadence Silicon Verification Summit. The verification event was the first of its kind, and I thought it had terrific content. Being more of a digital guy myself, I was unaware that Cadence… Read More