Production AI is Taking Off But Not Where You Think

Production AI is Taking Off But Not Where You Think
by Bernard Murphy on 07-10-2024 at 6:00 am


AI for revolutionary business applications grabs all the headlines but real near-term growth is already happening, in consumer devices and in IoT. For good reason. These applications may be less eye-catching but are eminently practical: background noise cancellation in earbuds and hearing aids, keyword and command ID in voice… Read More

CEO Interview: Harry Peterson of Siloxit

CEO Interview: Harry Peterson of Siloxit
by Daniel Nenni on 08-04-2023 at 6:00 am

hwp photo

Harry Peterson is a mixed-signal chip designer with a BS in Physics from Caltech.  He managed IC design groups within Fairchild, Kodak, Philips, Northern Telecom, Toshiba and Pixelworks.  During sabbaticals he helped fly experiments on NASA’s orbiting satellite observatory (OSO-8) and build telescopes in the Canary… Read More

Learning on the Edge Investment Thesis

Learning on the Edge Investment Thesis
by Jim Hogan on 05-20-2019 at 5:00 am

It is said that it will cost as much as $600M to develop a 5nm chip. At that price, only a few companies can afford to play, and with that amount of cash in, innovation is severely limited.

At the same time, there is a stampede in the artificial intelligence (AI) market where around 60 startups have appeared, many of which have already … Read More

An IIot Gateway to the Cloud

An IIot Gateway to the Cloud
by Bernard Murphy on 10-10-2017 at 7:00 am

A piece of learning we all seem to have gained from practical considerations of IoT infrastructure is that no, it doesn’t make sense to ship all the data from an IoT edge device to the cloud and let the cloud do all the computational heavy lifting. On the face of it that idea seemed good – all those edge devices could be super cheap (silicon… Read More

Industrial IoT (IIoT) – Beyond Silicon Valley

Industrial IoT (IIoT) – Beyond Silicon Valley
by Brian Derrick on 01-10-2017 at 7:00 am

Industry 4.0, Smart Factory 1.0, and Internet of Manufacturing are industry initiatives aimed at accelerating the Industrial IoT. With current market forecast exceeding $40 billion and projected to approach $100 billion by 2020, IIoT has everyone’s attention. Well, almost everyone. Turning volumes of factory data into actionable… Read More

Artificial Intelligence for Cyber Security

Artificial Intelligence for Cyber Security
by Alex G. Lee on 10-17-2016 at 12:00 pm

Since the United States is such a large market for products and services from nearly all technology innovations, a patent counting for growth in patenting over a period of times in the US can be a good measuring tool for monitoring the evolution of technology innovations. Following figure shows the growth trends for the artificial… Read More

Industry 4.0 Challenges Should Sound Familiar to Tech Companies

Industry 4.0 Challenges Should Sound Familiar to Tech Companies
by Raman Chitkara on 06-26-2016 at 7:00 am

Following a series of acquisitions, one manufacturer is planning to pivot from a business model based on hardware sales to one based on monthly fees for bundled hardware, software, service, and connectivity. Sensors, the cloud, wireless connectivity and data analytics all play a role in this new model. It is a massive undertaking… Read More


by Bill Montgomery on 03-09-2016 at 12:00 pm

CNN: International, Final Report. Wednesday, December 25th, 2019 : The events that have unfolded in the last 72 hours have devastated the entire civilized world, and have left society as we know it on the brink of collapse. I’m told that our networks are now shutting down, and that the report I am about to file will be likely be the finalRead More

Atmel Wireless Connectivity supports Industrial IoT revolution

Atmel Wireless Connectivity supports Industrial IoT revolution
by Eric Esteve on 01-10-2016 at 7:00 am

The Consumer Electronic Show is about to close, some of the gadgets unveiled during the show will find a market and go to production and some won’t (I am skeptic about the Smartshoe offering self-fastening mechanism…) and during the week, IoT revolution has silently progressed in industrial automation. You will be surprised if… Read More

Why Connect to the Cloud with Atmel SMART SAM W25?

Why Connect to the Cloud with Atmel SMART SAM W25?
by Eric Esteve on 12-15-2015 at 4:00 pm

Atmel SMART SAM W25 is in fact a module, Atmel names it “SmartConnect Module”. As far as I am concerned I like SmartConnect designation and I think it could be used to describe any IoT edge device. The device is “smart” as it includes a processing unit, in this case ARM Cortex M0 based SAMD21G, and “connect” remind the Internet part of… Read More