Xilinx: Hide the RTL

Xilinx: Hide the RTL
by Paul McLellan on 04-16-2013 at 7:30 pm

Tom Feist of Xilinx presented here at the GlobalPress Electronics Summit about their strategy to take design abstraction up another level. In the SoC world, we are still pretty much stuck at the RTL level and have moved to higher abstractions by using an IP strategy. But at least all IC designers are RTL-literate.

Xilinx, in the Vivado… Read More

Sanjiv Kaul: Is HLS About to Take Off?

Sanjiv Kaul: Is HLS About to Take Off?
by Paul McLellan on 03-10-2013 at 8:10 pm

At the end of last week I talked to Sanjiv Kaul, the new CEO of Calypto. Just to give a little background for those that haven’t been following along at home, Calypto was founded to try and solve the very hard problem of sequential logical equivalence checking (mostly by people from the engineering team that I managed at Ambit).… Read More

SystemC vs C++ for High Level Synthesis

SystemC vs C++ for High Level Synthesis
by Paul McLellan on 12-04-2012 at 4:00 pm

One of the decisions that needs to be made when using high-level synthesis (HLS) in general and Catapult in particular is what language to use as input. The choice is C++ or SystemC. Of course at some level SystemC is C++ with added libraries and templates, but in fact the semantics of the two languages end up being very different.

The… Read More

Mentor catapults Calypto

Mentor catapults Calypto
by Paul McLellan on 08-26-2011 at 10:36 am

Mentor has transferred its Catapult (high level synthesis) product line, including the people, to Calypto. Terms were not disclosed but apparently it is a non-cash deal. Calypto gets the product line. Mentor gets a big chunk of ownership of Calypto. So maybe the right way to look at this is as a partial acquisition of Calypto.

It … Read More