Securing embedded SIMs

Securing embedded SIMs
by Bernard Murphy on 02-20-2018 at 6:00 am

If you have a phone, you probably know it has a SIM card, for most of us the anchor that ties us into a 2/3-year plan with one network provider, unless you have an unlocked phone. Even then, you have to mess around swapping SIM cards if you travel overseas. Wouldn’t it be nice if the SIM was embedded and could be switched though an app or an… Read More

Lipstick on the Digital Pig

Lipstick on the Digital Pig
by Bill Montgomery on 12-27-2017 at 12:00 pm

I have a lot of friends in the real estate industry, and two of the most common sales tactics are to create “curb appeal,” and to “stage” the interior of the residence being sold. Curb appeal, of course, refers to making the home looks as appealing as possible upon first impression. Update the landscaping. Add flowers. Make sure theRead More

Think your future historical encrypted data is secure? Think again…

Think your future historical encrypted data is secure? Think again…
by Bill Montgomery on 02-18-2017 at 7:00 am

It’s been 32 years since the successful sci-fi comedy, Back to the Future, saw 17-year old Marty McFly – played by Michael J. Fox – accidentally travel 30 years back in time to 1955. The film was a box-office smash, as audiences worldwide delighted in McFly’s antics, only to soon realize that the cool kid from the future was jeopardizing… Read More

ARM and Open Silicon Join Forces to Fight the IoT Edge Wars!

ARM and Open Silicon Join Forces to Fight the IoT Edge Wars!
by Mitch Heins on 12-19-2016 at 4:00 pm

I spent the last several days doing a deep dive into the world of IoT security and what I’ve learned has scared the pants off me. Various analysts predict that there will be over 30 billion connected IoT devices by the year 2020 growing from 9.9 million in 2013. A quick audit of my home identified over 40 connected devices including everything… Read More

FPGAs for a few thousand devices more

FPGAs for a few thousand devices more
by Don Dingee on 10-24-2016 at 4:00 pm

An incredibly pervasive trend at last year’s ARM TechCon was the IoT, and I expect this year to bring even more of the same, but with a twist. Where last year was mostly focused on ultra-low power edge devices and the mbed ecosystem, this year is likely to show a better balance of ideas across all three IoT tiers. I also expect a slew of … Read More

Demystifying IoT – The 15 key building blocks of an IoT solution

Demystifying IoT – The 15 key building blocks of an IoT solution
by Padraig Scully on 09-23-2016 at 7:00 am

IoT solution development is complex. In many cases, development entails combining expertise from a number of different areas such as embedded system engineering, connectivity solution design, big data handling, application development, and data encryption techniques. Each area demands a specific array of competences Read More

The CyberSecurity Emperor Has No Clothes

The CyberSecurity Emperor Has No Clothes
by Bill Montgomery on 06-11-2016 at 7:00 am

In the past year, I’ve written numerous articles that have a common theme: the security world is badly broken as crypto schemas developed in the 90’s are no defense for today’s sophisticated hackers. For the most part, my blogs have been very well received, and have been picked up and posted by multiple sites and publications worldwide.… Read More


by Bill Montgomery on 03-09-2016 at 12:00 pm

CNN: International, Final Report. Wednesday, December 25th, 2019 : The events that have unfolded in the last 72 hours have devastated the entire civilized world, and have left society as we know it on the brink of collapse. I’m told that our networks are now shutting down, and that the report I am about to file will be likely be the finalRead More

Crypto Key Exchange …like taking candy from a digital baby

Crypto Key Exchange …like taking candy from a digital baby
by Bill Montgomery on 01-31-2016 at 4:00 pm

For those among you who have read my previous SemiWiki articles, you will no doubt see a theme: the security of our connected world is badly broken, and for the bad guys, violating our online lives – both business and personal – is as easy as taking candy from the proverbial baby.… Read More

IoT Collateral Damage – it’s not if, but when

IoT Collateral Damage – it’s not if, but when
by Bill Montgomery on 01-14-2016 at 4:00 pm

Business history is littered with once-successful companies that couldn’t see the market tsunami that was coming their way until it was too late to do anything but stand up and be walloped by a wave of change that obliterated their businesses.
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