The Git Dilemma: Is Version Control Enough for Semiconductor Success?

The Git Dilemma: Is Version Control Enough for Semiconductor Success?
by admin on 05-22-2024 at 10:00 am

Data in Software Vs Semiconductor Design Flow

Git is a version control system that saves every change made to files. It offers powerful tools for managing these changes. This makes Git ideal for software development, as it lets you keep all project files in one place.

Software has grown in complexity, necessitating more collaboration among engineers across various time zones.… Read More

Polishing Parallelism

Polishing Parallelism
by Bernard Murphy on 05-11-2017 at 7:00 am

The great thing about competition in free markets is that vendors are always pushing their products to find an edge. You the consumer don’t have to do much to take advantage of these advances (other than possibly paying for new options). You just sit back and watch the tool you use get faster and deliver better QoR. You may think that… Read More

Flexible Integration System for IPs into SoC

Flexible Integration System for IPs into SoC
by Pawan Fangaria on 05-06-2014 at 7:30 am

The number of IPs with growing complexity and heterogeneity is ever increasing (counting into hundreds) to be integrated into a single SoC. It’s not possible to have them all available at once and in a single repository for the integration engineers to assemble all of them together and integrate into the SoC. The reality is that … Read More