CEO Interview: Khaled Maalej, VSORA Founder and CEO

CEO Interview: Khaled Maalej, VSORA Founder and CEO
by Daniel Nenni on 04-17-2024 at 10:00 am

Khaaled Maalej

Khaled Maalej is founder and CEO of VSORA, a provider of high-performance silicon chips for GenerativeAI and L4/L5 autonomous driving (AD) applications based in France. Before founding VSORA in 2015, Maalej was CTO at DiBcom, a fabless semiconductor company that designed chipsets for low-power mobile TV and radio reception… Read More

Hyperstone Webinar – There’s More to a Storage System Than Meets the Eye

Hyperstone Webinar – There’s More to a Storage System Than Meets the Eye
by Mike Gianfagna on 09-19-2023 at 10:00 am

Hyperstone Webinar There's More to a Storage System Than Meets the Eye

Founded in 1990, Hyperstone is a fabless NAND flash memory controller company enabling safe, reliable and secure storage systems. The company designs, develops and delivers high-quality, innovative semiconductor solutions to enable its customers to produce world-class products for industrial, embedded, automotive and… Read More

Automotive Lone Bright Spot

Automotive Lone Bright Spot
by Bill Jewell on 03-29-2023 at 10:00 am

Automotive Annual Unit Change

Automotive appears to be about the only bright spot in the semiconductor market for 2023. Forecasts for the overall semiconductor market range from a decline of 4% to a decline of 20%. Semiconductor companies generally have bleak outlooks for the start of 2023, citing excess inventories ad weak end market demand. The chart below… Read More

Enabling Silicon Technologies to Address Automotive Radar Trends and Requirements

Enabling Silicon Technologies to Address Automotive Radar Trends and Requirements
by Kalar Rajendiran on 06-01-2021 at 6:00 am

Current GF Nodes Supporting Automotive

During the week of April 19th, Linley held its Spring Processor Conference 2021. The Linley Group has a reputation for putting on excellent conferences. And this year’s spring conference was no exception. There were a number of very informative talks from various companies updating the audience on the latest research and development… Read More

An Update from Joe Sawicki @ Mentor, a Siemens Business 56thDAC

An Update from Joe Sawicki @ Mentor, a Siemens Business 56thDAC
by Tom Dillinger on 06-17-2019 at 10:22 pm

Executives from the major EDA companies attend the Design Automation Conference to introduce new product features, describe new initiatives and collaborations, meet with customers, and participate in lively conference panel discussions.  Daniel Nenni and I were fortunate to be able to meet with Joe Sawicki, Executive Vice… Read More

NVIDIA’s Deep Learning GPUs Driving Your Car!

NVIDIA’s Deep Learning GPUs Driving Your Car!
by Mitch Heins on 12-09-2016 at 4:00 pm

In a recent SemiWiki article it was noted that 5 of the top 20 semiconductor suppliers are showing double-digit gains for 2016. At the top of the list was NVIDIA with an annual growth rate of 35%. Most of this gain is due to sales of its graphics processors (GPUs) which one normally associates with high performance computer gaming engines.… Read More

Intel Altera FPGA at the heart of an autonomous Audi A8

Intel Altera FPGA at the heart of an autonomous Audi A8
by Claudio Avi Chami on 10-02-2016 at 4:00 pm

Audi announced its piloted driving technology at CES 2015. The Audi Prologue includes the Advanced Driver Assistance System Platform (zFAS), co-developed with TTTech. The zFAS board is based on four devices: an Nvidia k1 processor and Infineon Aurix processor, Mobileye’s EyeQ3 for vision processing, and an Altera Cyclone Read More

I already live in the future and so should you

I already live in the future and so should you
by Vivek Wadhwa on 08-12-2016 at 12:00 pm

I live in the future. I drive a Tesla electric vehicle, which controls the steering wheel on highways. My house in Menlo Park, Calif., is a “passive” home that expends minimal energy on heating or cooling. With the solar panels on my roof, my energy bills are close to zero — and that includes charging the car. My iPhone is encased in a … Read More

Autonomous Driving @ the Crossroads

Autonomous Driving @ the Crossroads
by Roger C. Lanctot on 07-15-2016 at 12:00 pm

One of the most terrifying moments one can experience as a driver or passenger in a Tesla Model S driving with autopilot turned on is the realization that the system cannot recognize intersections or traffic lights. It seems like such a basic and obvious requirement for automated driving but the Model S can’t hack it –… Read More

No Turning Back on Autonomous Driving

No Turning Back on Autonomous Driving
by Roger C. Lanctot on 07-03-2016 at 7:00 am

Politicians will tell you that Fridays are reserved for announcements (defeats, resignations, indictments) intended to be ignored or lost in the end of week news sink. In that context, the Friday before the U.S. Fourth of July three-day weekend may be regarded as second only to the Friday before Christmas as an ideal opportunity… Read More