The Electromagnetic Solution Buyer’s Guide

The Electromagnetic Solution Buyer’s Guide
by Jim DeLap on 03-23-2021 at 6:00 am

automotive radar antenna array module

So you’ve decided to buy a new car? First you need to research, compare, and test drive before you finally get to drive that shiny new car home. Engineering teams choosing their preferred electromagnetic analysis tool face similar challenges. Historically, electromagnetic problems and analysis tools were relegated to a few … Read More

Best Practices are Much Better with Ansys Cloud and HFSS

Best Practices are Much Better with Ansys Cloud and HFSS
by Daniel Nenni on 02-04-2021 at 6:00 am

Ansys PAM4 PKG

Compute environments have advanced significantly over the past several years. Microprocessors have gotten faster by including more cores, available RAM has increased significantly, and the cloud has made massive distributed computing more easily and cheaply available.

HFSS has evolved to take advantage of these new capabilities,… Read More

System-level Electromagnetic Coupling Analysis is now possible, and necessary

System-level Electromagnetic Coupling Analysis is now possible, and necessary
by Tom Dillinger on 01-26-2021 at 10:00 am

FlexMesh min

With the increasing density of electronics in product enclosures, combined with a broad range of operating frequencies, designers must be cognizant of the issues associated with the radiation and coupling of electromagnetic energy.  The interference between different elements of the design may result in coupling noise-induced… Read More

The Gold Standard for Electromagnetic Analysis

The Gold Standard for Electromagnetic Analysis
by Daniel Nenni on 11-04-2020 at 6:00 am

Example of a multi level board analyzed by HFSS

Ansys HFSS has been the world’s trusted gold standard for  electromagnetic analysis for many years. As chip designs get bigger and more complex many users report that they’re extremely happy with the gold standard accuracy of HFSS but wish it would run faster. Fortunately Ansys has introduced many capabilities to HFSS over the… Read More