As we all know IoT (Internet of Things) is the “next big thing” across many different industries including the fabless semiconductor ecosystem. The first recorded IoT blog on SemiWiki was in 2014 and currently we have 173 IoT blogs posted that have earned more than 600,000 views and counting. So yes, IoT is the next big thing, absolutely.
One of the most frequent IoT questions we get is, “Where is the money in IoT?” and that is what we will be discussing in detail next week during the IoT Summit at the Santa Clara Convention Center on March 17-18[SUP]th[/SUP].
IoT Summit is a forum to present, highlight and discuss the latest products, applications, development, and business opportunities in IoT. The market for IoT, sensors, wearables,cloud, and related technologies is expanding at a phenomenal rate. The conference brings together researchers, developers, and practitioners from diverse fields including scientists and engineers, research institutes, and industry. IoT Tech Summit is the 4th event produced by SensorsCon and is sponsored by the International Society for Quality Electronic Design.
Partial list of the topics explored in this conference:
- IoT Applications: Wearables, health & fitness, Automotive, , energy, smart power grid, environmental monitoring, consumer, security, military, nautical, aeronautical and space, robotics automation
- IoT enabling technologies such as sensors, cloud, low power and energy harvesting, sensor networks, machine-type communication, resource-constrained networks, real-time systems, IoT data analytics, in situ processing, and embedded software.
- IoT architectures such as things-centric, data-centric, service-centric architecture, platforms, cloud-based IoT, system security and manageability.
- IoT services, applications, standards, and test-beds such as streaming data management and mining platforms, service middleware, open service platform, semantic service management, security and privacy-preserving protocols, design examples of smart services and applications, and IoT application support.
You can see the conference program HERE. Most notably is the panel discussion on Friday that I am moderating:
Where is the money in IoT?
The market for Internet of Things (IoT) is expanding at astonishing speed and there are plenty of enthusiasm and euphoria in industry about its enormous prospects. This panel discussion attempts to explore business opportunities and challenges in IoT. Internet connected devices are being touted from door knobs to smoke detectors, cars, baby diapers, health monitors, etc. with new products coming to market in rapid successions. As IoT is transforming the business landscape and creating enormous opportunities worldwide, many in Silicon Valley and elsewhere are wondering if the excitement about IoT is short lived as what witnessed in Solar, Nano, Smart Power Grid, etc. or it is different and why? What are the killer apps, challenges, and roadblocks? What does an explosively growing IoT market means to my career? What and where are job opportunities? What area of IoT is the most promising for employment? What areas are ripe for innovations and development of products and services? What pitfalls to avoid? What opportunities to pursue? How can I invest in IoT? The panel will attempt to answer these and other important questions as much as time would allow.
Craig Harper – CTO, Sysorex
Jim Aralis – CTO, Microsemi
Elliott Yama – VP, Apttus
Steven Woo – VP, Rambus
Panel Moderator:
Daniel A. Nenni – Founder, SemiWiki
I hope to see you there, it would be a pleasure to meet you!
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