Webinar DFT 2025 banner mar11 (1)
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Malcom Penn and the Semiconductor Industry Update Webinar

Malcom Penn and the Semiconductor Industry Update Webinar
by Daniel Nenni on 09-06-2024 at 6:00 am

Future Horizons Semiconductor Industry
If you think my 40 years of semiconductor experience is impressive, Malcolm Penn has been at it for 55 years starting with the first commercial integrated circuit. Malcolm’s company Future Horizons has been providing legendary semiconductor industry forecasts since 1989. I have attended dozens of these both live and virtual events over the years and Malcolm has been featured on SemiWiki many times in our blogs and podcasts. His next industry update is on 9/10/2024, Tuesday of next week, at 3pm UK time which is 7am PT. It is definitely worth your time, a cup of tea is also a good idea, I will see you there.

I have been getting weird vibes from the ecosystem over the summer so it will be interesting to see what Malcolm has to say. I will provide my feedback on the Friday following the webinar so stay tuned.

Semiconductor Industry Update Webinar – Registration Now Open

Taken at face value, the headline annualized growth numbers look good, with Memory leading the charge and AI GPUs flying off the shelf but delving into the detail and a much bleaker picture emerges. Inventory levels remain stubbornly high, dampening unit demand, and the global economy is weak, neither of which bodes well for the industry moving forward. Now, more than ever, is the time for cool heads and sound reasoning.

• Is the 2024 growth momentum sustainable or a false dawn?
• When will IC unit growth return to the industry?
• Will China flood the chip market with non-leading-edge ICs?
• Is the current AI boom hype, hope or reality?
• What does the outlook for 2025 hold?

Find out the answer to these and other key questions at Future Horizons’ IFS2024 Autumn industry update outlook webinar, Tuesday 10 September, 2024, 3pm UK BST, registration now open.

Full Details HERE. Register HERE.

What Will You Hear
This one-hour broadcast will focus on the chip industry outlook, including:
• What happened so far in 2024 vs. January IFS forecast?
• What is the updated market outlook for 2024?
• What’s happening in CapEx, investment, and onshoring trends?
• What are the likely opportunities and implications for the industry?
• How to build resilient business strategies, plus
• Opportunity to ask specific questions in advance, during and after the webinar.

Who Should Attend
All companies, small and large, from startups to established market leaders.
• Key decision-makers in the design, manufacture, or supply of semiconductors.
• Government organizations in industry, trade, and investment.
• Those involved in M&A, investment, or finance within the electronics industry.
• Senior industry executives planning future marketing strategy.

Your Trusted Industry Advisor
Founded in 1989, Future Horizons has been in the business of forecasting and analyzing the semiconductor market for 35 years and has been a trusted advisor to governments, investors, startups, and most of the top global semiconductor firms. Our forecast track record and hands-on industry experience, dating back to the first commercial IC, longer than any other analyst and most industry execs, make this a must-attend event for key decision makers in semiconductors, electronics, and all related industries. We always present accurate and insightful analysis at these events, consistently helping our clients save time and money with our insightful and accurate analysis of the industry.

For a small investment of UK £150 plus £30 UK VAT you will gain accurate industry insight to make good strategic decisions in these uncertain times
• Discount available for 3 or more attendees from the same company/organisation
• Can’t attend? No need to miss out, order the webinar video recording and slides instead.
• If already registered or not directly suitable for you, please pass it to a colleague or associate.
• The event can also be repeated on-line or in-person in-house for your added convenience and flexibility.

Malcolm Penn
Chairman & CEO

Also Read:

The Recovery has Started and it’s off to a Great Start!

The Billion Dollar Question – Single or Double Digit Semiconductor Decline

Podcast EP136: Semiconductor Industry Update with Malcolm Penn


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