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Photo and Video Overview of DAC 2012

Photo and Video Overview of DAC 2012
by Daniel Payne on 06-26-2012 at 8:10 pm

Sunday Night – you have to network at the EDAC kick-off party.

Gary Smith is identified by the iconic white outfit each year. In 2012 he said, “I was wrong about the cost of SoC designs.”

The exhibit floor, where I spend most of my time at DAC visiting EDA vendors.

Another sunny day outside of Moscone Hall, the buses ferry VIPs to special dinner events.

On my morning walk to Moscone Hall this sculpture of an anxious salesman reminds me of the early days in EDA.

Panel sessions from EDA vendors are wonderful places to network, get free food and learn something. Note to Cadence moderator: Next time ask the audience for questions earlier in the program, then wait for the questions.

Coolest car at DAC was found in the IC Manage booth this year.

Synopsys created a contest using QR codes and I won a $100 iTunes certificate. Last year I won an iPad from Synopsys, so yes, I do feel lucky.

At the conclusion of the DAC exhibit each year we have a special tradition of bagpipes playing “Amazing Grace”.

Silvaco didn’t exhibit at DAC this year, however on the BART train back to SFO I was surprised to see their ad at the airport station.

DAC was a blast again this year in terms of learning what’s happening with EDA software, foundries and IC design. I’ll see you all next year in Austin. To read some of the 41 or so trip reports visit the wiki page for DAC.

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