800x100 Webinar (1)
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Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays
by Paul McLellan on 12-10-2012 at 3:00 pm

At times of this year, companies usually get their salespeople to submit the names and addresses of all their customers. They then get an expensive card printed and mail it out. What the recipient does is anyone’s guess, from throwing it straight in the bin to using it to decorate the office.

Atrenta decided to do something different this year, and professionally make a holiday video to wish everyone Happy Holidays. But they have customers in so many different countries, that it seemed very boring to do it only in English. So they didn’t. Enjoy (1 minute long).

Oh, and let me add my own greetings. Happy Holidays. Bonnes fetes. 圣诞节快乐。OK, that’s all the languages I can muster. Oh, I do know it in Hawaiian too, having spent Christmas there a couple of times years ago: Mele Kalikimaka.

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