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Achieving Extreme Low Power with Synopsys Foundation IP Memory Compilers and Logic Libraries

Achieving Extreme Low Power with Synopsys Foundation IP Memory Compilers and Logic Libraries
by Mike Gianfagna on 02-22-2024 at 10:00 am

Achieving Extreme Low Power with Synopsys Foundation IP Memory Compilers and Logic Libraries

The relentless demand for lower power SoCs is evident across many markets.  Examples include cutting-edge mobile, IoT, and wearable devices along with the high compute demands for AI and 5G/6G communications. Drivers for low power include battery life, thermal management and, for high compute applications, the overall cost… Read More

Arm Neoverse Continues to Claim Territory in Infrastructure

Arm Neoverse Continues to Claim Territory in Infrastructure
by Bernard Murphy on 02-21-2024 at 10:00 am

Neoverse announcement min

After owning general purpose compute in cell phones and IoT devices, it wasn’t clear what Arm’s next act might be. Seemingly the x86 giants dominated in datacenters and  auguries suggested a bloody war in smaller platforms between Arm and RISC-V. But Arm knew what they were doing all along, growing upwards into infrastructure:… Read More

Cadence Debuts Celsius Studio for In-Design Thermal Optimization

Cadence Debuts Celsius Studio for In-Design Thermal Optimization
by Bernard Murphy on 02-21-2024 at 6:00 am

Celsius Studio min

Continuing the multiphysics theme, I talked recently with Melika Roshandell (Product Management Director at Cadence) on the continuing convergence between MCAD and ECAD. You should know first that Melika has a PhD in mechanical engineering and an extensive background in thermal engineering at Broadcom and Qualcomm, all very… Read More

Outlook 2024 with Dr. Laura Matz CEO of Athinia

Outlook 2024 with Dr. Laura Matz CEO of Athinia
by Daniel Nenni on 02-12-2024 at 6:00 am

PR Aufnahmen für gewerbliche Zwecke

Laura Matz is also the Science & Technology Officer of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany. She has always been a key contributor to the growth in semiconductor materials, driving a strong R&D presence to enable business growth.

Laura is a strong advocate for young talent in science and engineering. As a leader, she builds … Read More

SOITEC Pushes Substrate Advantages for Edge Inference

SOITEC Pushes Substrate Advantages for Edge Inference
by Bernard Murphy on 02-08-2024 at 6:00 am

FD SOI power min

You might not immediately see a connection between semiconductor substrate choices and inference at the edge. These technology layers seem worlds apart and yet SOITEC have a point. Edge AI has rapidly evolved from simple CNNs to now complex reinforcement learning systems and transformer based LLMs. Even when shrunk to edge footprints,… Read More

Expedera Proposes Stable Diffusion as Benchmark for Edge Hardware for AI

Expedera Proposes Stable Diffusion as Benchmark for Edge Hardware for AI
by Bernard Murphy on 02-05-2024 at 6:00 am

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A recent TechSpot article suggests that Apple is moving cautiously towards release of some kind of generative AI, possibly with iOS 18 and A17 Pro. This is interesting not just for Apple users like me but also for broader validation of a real mobile opportunity for generative AI. Which honestly had not seemed like a given, for multiple… Read More

What ChatGPT has to say about the Chiplet Summit

What ChatGPT has to say about the Chiplet Summit
by Daniel Nenni on 02-04-2024 at 12:00 pm


Quite a few of the articles I now see about the semiconductor industry use AI. It is not hard to tell, especially for someone like myself, a 40 year experienced semiconductor professional who also writes. In the last 13 years (yes SemiWiki is now a teenager) we have published 9,058 blogs. SemiWiki was the first of now many semiconductor… Read More

CEO Interview: Jay Dawani of Lemurian Labs

CEO Interview: Jay Dawani of Lemurian Labs
by Daniel Nenni on 02-02-2024 at 6:00 am

Full Slide LL Spatial Processing Unit Architecture (1)

Jay Dawani is the co-founder and CEO at Lemurian Labs, a startup developing an accelerated computing platform tailored specifically for AI applications. The platform breaks through the hardware barriers to make AI development faster, cheaper, more sustainable, and accessible to more than just a few companies.

Prior to founding… Read More

2024 Outlook with Niels Faché of Keysight EDA

2024 Outlook with Niels Faché of Keysight EDA
by Daniel Nenni on 02-01-2024 at 10:00 am

Keysite EDA EVent

We have been working with Keysight EDA for the past two years and it has been an honor. The technical depth we have reached with them is impressive. Niels Faché, VP & GM, Keysight EDA, is responsible for Keysight’s design and simulation portfolio. Niels has been part of the Keysight-Agilent-HP family since 1994 when HP acquired… Read More

Cadence Claims the CFD High Ground with a New GPU-Based Accelerator

Cadence Claims the CFD High Ground with a New GPU-Based Accelerator
by Bernard Murphy on 02-01-2024 at 6:00 am

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For observers of EDA markets there is an easily overlooked opportunity for new growth. Today around 50% of EDA revenues come from systems rather than semiconductor companies, from datacenters to automotive, aerospace, energy, and others. In most of these industries total system design depends as much on mechanical and other… Read More