5G and Aircraft Safety: Simulation is Key to Ensuring Passenger Safety – Part 4

5G and Aircraft Safety: Simulation is Key to Ensuring Passenger Safety – Part 4
by Shawn Carpenter on 03-17-2022 at 10:00 am

Fig 11 KingCountyAirport Scenario STK Annotated

In our previous blog installments, we examined the ingredient for modeling the potential for interference between a 5G C-band base station and an aviation radar altimeter. Using candidate emissions models for the transmitter, wideband susceptibility models for a candidate radar altimeter receiver and antenna and propagation… Read More

5G and Aircraft Safety: Simulation is Key to Ensuring Passenger Safety – Part 3

5G and Aircraft Safety: Simulation is Key to Ensuring Passenger Safety – Part 3
by Shawn Carpenter on 03-16-2022 at 10:00 am

Fig 7 HFSS Antenna Patterns

In our previous blog installment, we introduced the components of RF interference modeling, and established models for wideband peak emissions of a 5G C-band transmitter and the wideband receiver susceptibility for a radar altimeter receiver. Here, we consider the third component: the wireless channel, which considers the… Read More

5G and Aircraft Safety: Simulation is Key to Ensuring Passenger Safety – Part 2

5G and Aircraft Safety: Simulation is Key to Ensuring Passenger Safety – Part 2
by Shawn Carpenter on 03-15-2022 at 10:00 am

Fig 4 Elements of Interference Analysis

In our first blog installment, we outlined the interference concerns surrounding the coexistence of the new C-band 5G telecom service spanning the band from 3.7 to 3.98 GHz with aviation radar altimeters. Radar altimeters are essential components for safety during landing and takeoff, as they offer precise measurements from… Read More

5G and Aircraft Safety: Simulation is Key to Ensuring Passenger Safety

5G and Aircraft Safety: Simulation is Key to Ensuring Passenger Safety
by Shawn Carpenter on 03-14-2022 at 10:00 am

Fig 1 Verizon Cov Map 5G UWB

The new 5G C-band service is now up and running in the U.S., and subscribers are finally starting to see some of the promise of 5G. The new C-band services are primarily in spectrum allocations between 3 and 4 GHz, providing the wider channel allocation bandwidths necessary to deliver significantly higher data throughput. At the… Read More

Can you Simulate me now? Ansys and Keysight Prototype in 5G

Can you Simulate me now? Ansys and Keysight Prototype in 5G
by Shawn Carpenter on 01-10-2022 at 10:00 am

5G Signal propagation

Ansys and Keysight wanted to see if they could answer the question, If we put virtual cellphones in different locations in a city, can we predict what kind of 5G signal we’re going to get in those locations? To find out, they created and tested a detailed virtual model of a city, including a variety of 5G antennae, receivers, and transmitters… Read More